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Displayed play time ?


Reverend woz 'ere.
I noticed there is now a number underneath our forum name on a post and it displays a time. Is this time on the forum or days spent in game ?

Think it's the forums because i'm sure as hell i havent been online only 30 days lol xD

37 days?! Fuck. I need to go outside more! 

Considering I'm relatively new and don't tend to idle on the forums 21 days is a little concerning

Considering this:


... I am slightly disappointed in my 38 days on the forums   :rolleyes:

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43 days mate!

Someone needs to work out a highscore table for the time since joining/time online metric, Wilco is at the top for sure though. Be interesting to see who was second.

I wouldn't be surprised if my time is real, if chrome is open on my pc, the forum is on one tab. lol :)

After a comprehensive analysis that took me at least 2 minutes, I think I can verify that SI Bob is the person (other than Wilco) who has seen the least amount of sunshine out of all the inhabitants of ALUK (however that could be because he's from Wales).

Congratulations! :)

Thank God it's not our total time spent on porn sites. 

Sadly Bob I'm going to have take back my congratulations (well you can keep half of them). 2 mins of analysis is clearly 1 min too short as it's pretty clear Mitch has been without sunshine (no matter what his profession might have you believe) even longer than your good self!

I'll put that down to the 3 hrs of sleep I got last night

Sadly Bob I'm going to have take back my congratulations (well you can keep half of them). 2 mins of analysis is clearly 1 min too short as it's pretty clear Mitch has been without sunshine (no matter what his profession might have you believe) even longer than your good self!

I'll put that down to the 3 hrs of sleep I got last night
Sorry bob... is this something i should be sorry for... im not even sure.
