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More DDOS Attack's

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The King
Lifetime Donator
Good Evening

Cannot believe there are people sad enough out there in the arma community to continue doing this but here goes, Over the last 2 days we have been hit again with more ddos attacks than we usually receive per day ( we usually get around 3-5 per day on average reported by our data centre)

Due to the protection we have at our data centre against this sort of attack users would of noticed minimal impact.

As for our website as you can see that we are still online despite a number of wordpress pingback attacks and dos attacks that brought us down last week, Alot of upgrading took place here.

We know who is doing this and can confirm it was someone who used to play on our server, it would be very easy to name and shame them here, We are currently building a case and the moment and once we have built enough evidence we will be contacting the police so be warned.

Wilco & The Admin Team.

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Ban this shit out of him

That! :)

Don't worry another admin here banned them here a while back, unfortunately a ban wont stop them attacking the community there so jealous of.

Don't worry another admin here banned them here a while back, unfortunately a ban wont stop them attacking the community there so jealous of.
Maybe if there was some way of making sure the people who got banned cannot look on the forums because they have access to here and they are seeing that they are doing damage to the server by the posts about DDOS. Do you think it is just making them do it more? 

That`s my opinion making sure they get some sort of block on the forums basically people who are permanently banned from the server even after disputing their ban on the forums.

Maybe if there was some way of making sure the people who got banned cannot look on the forums because they have access to here and they are seeing that they are doing damage to the server by the posts about DDOS. Do you think it is just making them do it more? 

That`s my opinion making sure they get some sort of block on the forums basically people who are permanently banned from the server even after disputing their ban on the forums.
The thing is there not doing any damage... there only wasting there own time... I have all the time in the world to counter it :)

We block people who get banned from the forums by IP however they can just visit from another IP, its a pointless task, the forums are fully public.

No he does it so you will switch to his hosting company/"network" :)

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As it says, its easy to name and shame. We have his IP address and his location by looking up one of his domains. Just we want to be the better group and not share any of that.

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Good luck with the police, i had somebody ddos one of my servers a while back, regardless that they broke the law the police stated that unless your a company losing money they won't look into it.

Your better off speaking with his isp and that it is being used for Illegal activities, provide the evidence, they will normally deal with it.

Good luck :)

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