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Big Damn Heroes


Well-known member
UNMC cadres rushed to answer the distress call of a NHS medic in Kavala tonight. Arriving on the scene they found a severely beaten paramedic and a thug trying to figure out the controls of an Air Ambulance like a dog in a spaceship. Needless to say, he was beyond all medical attention after being apprehended. 

UNMC is committed to protecting all NHS lifesavers. So don't mess with them.

UNMC Cadres posing with one very relieved physician. 


I have to say the unmc have also offered their assistance, I am looking forward to the results.

My gratitude for the help given to the NHS, i do hope lollipop's were given

What camo is it that the UNMC is using? its not the Standard AAF one and i cant seem to find it in the virtual armory... Custom?
