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Attacking UNMC

Wev been taxing there land most of the day, oh shit did i say that out loud?
Wasn't PLF and TI not allowed within 2km of their check point? or has that passed. It may not have been PLF but I remember a big gang not being allowed near the check point and UNMC to the gang base

The wolf always hunts in packs, agile and aggressive, the bear is slow and vulnerable to numbers, altho strong, the bear would never win against the pack. And this time i brought a bear trap :)

The wolf always hunts in packs, agile and aggressive, the bear is slow and vulnerable to numbers, altho strong, the bear would never win against the pack. And this time i brought a bear trap :)
except the bear also has about 35 other bears. It also has a taste for wolf blood. so why poke the bear? right after the bear just let the wolf live after taking it to within an inch of its life.

Ah i think you misunderstood the situation, the bear did not "let" the wolf live, you see the wolf is cunning, we won what we had to then left, bears are greedy creatures and are always hungry, wolves are relentless and wont stop till we get the kill.

gangs unite and drive back the tyranny of UNMC
Okay even if all the main gangs that don't like the UNMC joined up together to fight the UNMC they would be about even in numbers. Then if the UNMC really needed help the TKC would help then just the same as they did with raiding your base before. No matter how you spin it really. You'll always be out manned and out gunned. If that wasn't the case it would have been done already.

Ah i think you misunderstood the situation, the bear did not "let" the wolf live, you see the wolf is cunning, we won what we had to then left, bears are greedy creatures and are always hungry, wolves are relentless and wont stop till we get the kill.
But you seem to be forgetting that the Bear is also a black bear and will fuck you up regardless of where you go. Even if it's up a tree. 

the thing is people will always rob and thieve its in the nature of common rebel thugs, however i assure you these acts only take place when unmc members are not active.As for uniting against the unmc this has already been tried and as you can see we are still here growing stronger by the day, and as any of our attackers will agree we always bring swift and severe retaliation which ends in tears

<<Yet to be touched, come back to me when you can get me in your sights blazey boooy

the thing is people will always rob and thieve its in the nature of common rebel thugs, however i assure you these acts only take place when unmc members are not active.As for uniting against the unmc this has already been tried and as you can see we are still here growing stronger by the day, and as any of our attackers will agree we always bring swift and severe retaliation which ends in tears
Couldn't +1 this enough

nothing wrong with being welsh and enjoying the odd sheep, i have 2 of my own out my garden :D
It's it one thing we have in wales (other than shitty towns and plenty of drug problems) it's sheep! and boy do we enjoy them,

So it's the lone sheep the bear and the wolfs I think we should meet in kavala and have a good drink and see how many hunters appear outside of the pub

So it's the lone sheep the bear and the wolfs I think we should meet in kavala and have a good drink and see how many hunters appear outside of the pub
Baaaah~ I mean I'll be there
