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Altis Revolution "Mini" Event - Tonight 8pm

So after tiring and mentally exhausting 2 1/3 hours we finally ended the "Fight"​
Sadly the Police managed to execute our last hostage after Marshall Law were set & the Rebellion did not had anything left to use to achieve their goals.​
The Event was set till 22:30 and at 22:20 the last Hostage Mr. Steaven Seabass died(ed).​
I atleast had a lot of fun eventho there were an awful lot of miscommunictions and changes of the original plan.​
(Wich is normal if you quickly Plan an Event)​
I'd like to THANK EVERYONE who took part.

Every Cop, Medic and of course every brave Civilian risking their life ♥​
You all did an amazing job!​
My apologies again to the poor medics - I think sometimes you should be allowed to make your own decisions and decide wich part you want to take if INNOCENT Civilians fight for their rights - without being scared of being executed by the Police.​
The Punishment for loosing this battle would normally -500 less coins per hour.​
But I must say that the people fought so well and that we had next to very experienced shooters had some newbies that have never been in such a fight before that I think you deserve the 1000 more per hour.​
The difference was only 10 Minutes and I think we can make a little exception here.​
Once again thank you for taking part eventho many things got lost in chaos or went wrong.​
I had a good time eventho many people started to become a little whiney.​
At the end we all played together and I think thats a nice thing to achieve.

Good night everyone.​
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