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Shit RP


Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Northern Ireland
Call this my official rant about shit RP on RPUK..

There are a group of people on this server, and I'm not directing this at any one gang, or group of police officers in particular, but this collection of people know exactly what they do, and they know how shitty it is. However, just because it's fun for you to roll around with big guns, show off the fact you're especially good at shooting people, and provide the minimum in roleplay, doesn't mean it's fun for anyone else. Some of us play at Roleplay.co.uk to...yep, you guessed it...Roleplay! I've experienced it somewhat as a rebel, when someone would approach me, tell me he didn't like my uniform and to drop it or all of my guys would be killed, then after trying to talk my way out of the situation everybody gets sniped from 1km+.

But I've never seen it as bad until I joined the police. 

Now, I'm not saying all experiences are bad, by all means everyone here has the capability to provide good roleplay. But since I started rolling around with the police, I've truly been shown how much people will choose a gunfight over RP. Just the other day I attempted to pull a man over because he was wanted for over £1mil, and after I tricked him to admitting he was the owner of the vehicle, all I got was "I'm gonna slide across the passenger seat and if you follow me all cops will die". It is not hard to roleplay out of a big bounty. And I'm not even roleplaying out of the ticket, the chances are you're going to go to prison if you don't RP. But if you actually stand there and explain what you did and why, and RP your way to sounding sincere or whatever you wanna do to get out of it, I personally, like most other cops will give you a ticket.

I'm sure everybody who reads this will have heard the phrase "Sometimes you need to lose".. And this is so true. It's a game, it's not just about you having fun, especially with this type of open world RP game. You need to make the attempt to make it fun for everyone involved. 


I've seen some police officers completely deny roleplay in order to win.. And by winning I mean sending the person to jail and scrapping their vehicle. That's a win for the police. For as long as the police aren't willing to give or take some, neither will rebels. There are some really commendable higher ups in the cops who will agree to terms with rebels to RP out of situations, where everyone wins. There was a chase between the police and The Copper Kings the other day, which ended up as a stand off between the two parties at weed processing. But terms were agreed upon where TCK would dump all the drugs by having the police impound the trucks, and they'd walk away scott free. Now that ladies and gentlemen, is what we need to see more of. 

I just needed to say my piece and rant, because I've had enough, really. It's starting to get boring.

Lots of love, Khaan! <3

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Or my favorite example:

Get (P)CSO to do a traffic stop for a minor offense (Speeding 20km/h above limit) to see how they deal with it
First thing the guy we stopped says "If you arrest me you'll be killed, you're surrounded by snipers put your hands up".

after I tricked him to admitting he was the owner of the vehicle, all I got was "I'm gonna slide across the passenger seat and if you follow me all cops will die". 
Hmmm, I remember saying that "I was going to slide accross the passenger seat" as you were blocking the driver's side door. I never said "if you follow me all cops will die". I don't appreciate how you're making that up to try and make it look bad or make it seem that poor RP was involved when in-reality it wasn't.

Or my favorite example:

Get (P)CSO to do a traffic stop for a minor offense (Speeding 20km/h above limit) to see how they deal with it
First thing the guy we stopped says "If you arrest me you'll be killed, you're surrounded by snipers put your hands up".
I had this a lot of times. If there is actually a great roleplay story behind it it's not a problem but instantly saying that phrase or something around that just gets annoying 

Save it for TS @Elliot Ashand @Khaan- if there is an issue at hand resolve it between each other and a member of support, it is silly arguing on the forums.

Hmmm, I remember saying that "I was going to slide accross the passenger seat" as you were blocking the driver's side door. I never said "if you follow me all cops will die". I don't appreciate how you're making that up to try and make it look bad or make it seem that poor RP was involved when in-reality it wasn't.
That situation didn't even turn into a gunfight. Not what I'm talking about. I personally don't mind that, as you chose the easy way out, which was flying away. 

Really nicely put! +1

People need to start looking at the other person's point of view when roleplaying. Simple things like making a robbery remotely interesting for the other party, if you're taking someone hostage talk to them and have a plan that isn't "shoot everyone who comes after them". Even if you're in a big gang, stop walking about with your weapons out because you know that no one can stop you due to the amount of people you have...this is just shit for roleplay. Stop baiting cops, again, this is shit for roleplay. 

If YOU'RE getting robbed or playing the victim, then play the victim properly. Had a situation recently where we were holding someone up to force him to sing but he wasn't responding to us (clearly on gang coms) which is completely unrealistic. We decided to leave him be and as we left we got sprayed down by his gang, very poor roleplay.

I have been in situations where I have been getting robbed or detained by the police but the roleplay was so good it didn't matter that I was on the losing side.

Appreciate the frustration mate but you guys need to get yourselves in a room as per Ponty's post. Work it out and move forward.

Otherwise, this post is going to attract a metric tonne of shitposts.

Save it for TS @Elliot Ashand @Khaan- if there is an issue at hand resolve it between each other and a member of support, it is silly arguing on the forums.

Appreciate the frustration mate but you guys need to get yourselves in a room as per Ponty's post. Work it out and move forward.

Otherwise, this post is going to attract a metric tonne of shitposts.

There is no issue between myself and @Elliot Ashwhatsoever, he thought I was talking about him.

Like I said in the post, I'm not talking about any specific gangs or officers. I've even seen it come from my own gang in the past.

"Now, I'm not saying all experiences are bad, by all means everyone here has the capability to provide good roleplay. But since I started rolling around with the police, I've truly been shown how much people will choose a gunfight over RP. Just the other day I attempted to pull a man over because he was wanted for over £1mil, and after I tricked him to admitting he was the owner of the vehicle, all I got was "I'm gonna slide across the passenger seat and if you follow me all cops will die". It is not hard to roleplay out of a big bounty. And I'm not even roleplaying out of the ticket, the chances are you're going to go to prison if you don't RP. But if you actually stand there and explain what you did and why, and RP your way to sounding sincere or whatever you wanna do to get out of it, I personally, like most other cops will give you a ticket. "

like most other cops will give you a ticket.
This post might have some value if this part was correct, which it isn't. If we are defining most cops in this case as More than half or 70 percent then I can safely say this is not the case. I am going to do the classic cop thing here and say its "cop RP" to arrest you or to try take your gun or ticket you. You ever thought that its in the best interests of a rebel to not get caught or end up with a ticket? You try showing me (other when you meta game certain gangs and are told not to follow them) when the police decide not to follow someone endlessly who has a 1M + bounty after he has declined your advances of a ticket and your telling me he cant tell you to fuck off or there will be a consequence if you don't ? You talk about it being fun its about striking a balance, not all the time should you be told to fuck off however don't expect every time to get your way otherwise your just shifting the whole thing to the other party.

All you do is outline a "losing" scenario for the rebel party in them getting a ticket as typically someone with a bounty higher than that has it for a reason. Its not hard to RP it down to a ticket but not all rebels want that as their RP might revolve around them being a notorious criminal as an example so you should expect resistance if you attempt to take this from them.

As i said before, don't preach about it not being fun and not going your way if you expect the exact thing to happen to the opposing party.

@Hololockas I basically stated, it's about giving and taking. I didn't say every time the rebels should roll over and take it, but I recently every time I pull over a vehicle that belongs to a big gang with a big bounty all I get is 'Let me go or shots will be fired' or something along those lines. There isn't a balance and I'm someone willing to help provide that balance. If you think using the fact not all cops will change their roleplay to suit you to balance it as an excuse to provide poor RP by giving them some half arsed initiation, that just makes it worse. 

Be the change you want to see.

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@Hololockas I basically stated, it's about giving and taking. I didn't say every time the rebels should roll over and take it, but I recently every time I pull over a vehicle that belongs to a big gang with a big bounty all I get is 'Let me go or shots will be fired' or something along those lines. There isn't a balance and I'm someone willing to help provide that balance. If you think using the fact not all cops will change their roleplay to suit you to balance it as an excuse to provide poor RP by giving them some half arsed initiation, that just makes it worse. 

Be the change you want to see.
Your last comment is rather ironic considering your actions earlier today regarding our hostages. Lets work on your self before you start working on others eh ? 

Your last comment is rather ironic considering your actions earlier today regarding our hostages. Lets work on your self before you start working on others eh ? 
That situation where after you were spiked, we told you not to get out of the car with a gun, and when you did so you got rubbered, restrained, and then all cops were killed? Yeah, that situation couldn't really have been handled any other way from our point of view. We didn't even get a chance to talk to you out of the car before officers started dropping. This is the main problem. You would have rather shot your way out of roleplaying.

How about the part where you were all told to leave us alone by the cops we had hostage so we could continue our RP with them (and the threats that were made to their life.) Maybe if you un mute the radio you might hear whats happening instead of trying to take people that have made it clear that we are not willing to negotiate in the middle of a road for the police hostages back.

Back on topic - Practice what you preach mate and give the facts when your going to say something.

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How about the part where you were all told to leave us alone by the cops we had hostage so we could continue our RP with them (and the threats that were made to their life.) Maybe if you un mute the radio you might hear whats happening instead of trying to take people that have made it clear that we are not willing to negotiate in the middle of a road for the police hostages back.

Back on topic - Practice what you preach mate and give the facts when your going to say something.
Our radios were unmuted, we weren't told a damn thing. We can only go by what we know, and all we knew was you were driving along the road with a hostage, so we spiked.

I've seen some police officers completely deny roleplay in order to win.. And by winning I mean sending the person to jail and scrapping
This is exactly what happened to me, Ill explain. I had just finished processing Heroin and just passed HMP Altis. (Meanwhile my friends were a few 100 meters behind me) A AR vehicle pulls me over because I had a bounty. I pull over and explain my bounty and he demands to search my vehicle. At this point I was quite annoyed due to the fact there was not much reason to search my vehicle as I was wanted for Armed Robbery. He asked me if there was anything illegal inside my truck, I then told him there was some empty needles in the back as I was borrowing my friends truck and he is a user of Heroin. In my opinion the cop just avoided RP and just said "no, no, no them needles have Heroin in them." At this point he was telling me the vehicle was going to be scrapped. This in my opinion was avoiding RP as I made a valid RP excuse and he was just completely avoiding RP. At this point the rest of AR had turned up and so had my mates. There was a gun fight resulting in AR and most of the police online dying and also the death of a few of my gang.

I'm not going to throw around a name.

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Appreciate the frustration mate but you guys need to get yourselves in a room as per Ponty's post. Work it out and move forward.

Otherwise, this post is going to attract a metric tonne of shitposts.
To be honest, I think it's just some people's view of the server now.

If you take them to a room people will say they "initiated" so it's not RDM. If there is a community meeting (which I believe is being organised), things can be clarified for people who are confused and people can discuss in large numbers, therefore increasing its effect ☺️

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