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Shit RP

Both sides have different expectations on how the other should roleplay, and it can't be resolved because we all roleplay differently and prefer different things. Deal with it and learn to roleplay with it. I've seen shitty RP from rebels and shitty RP from the police, part of life.

You have very good points right here, good sir! Now, I haven't played on the server for a while, but already before summer I had the notion that the general roleplay on the server was going downhill. I can even admit that in LOV, when we were big and strong, had many situations where fighting was chosen over roleplay, which (for some of us) got somewhat frustrating in the end. There are too many people on this server who, as you point out, are very competitive and log on for the sole reason of killing people. This tendency are especially present in newer people (at least some of them) or big groups of people (who feel almost unbeatable when they have 12 people with MXMs running around).

I've had my fair share of gunfights, too many to be honest, and I would pick a good roleplay scenario before a slaughterfest any day. People need to realise that many of the players on this server are here (only) for the roleplay, and the constant "put your hands up or you're dead in 5 seconds" gets old really, REALLY fast.

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+1 I have seen worse and worse RP from all sides recently. Me personally I would allow you to be a free man with a 5mil bounty if you give me one good RP story that makes sense in the situation. Again with a gunfight, I would prefer RP over shooting, just because your allowed to shoot someone because they initiated etc, does it help the situation? No it just leaves multiple people dead and everyone goes home sad rather than happy because they just experienced amazing RP

For the sake of the community, THERE isn't any SHIT RP anywhere.... Simply because one tiny situation involving around guns or what not do'es not  mean that it is every day. If people can get it together for a moment here and think, if your going to sit here and complain on a dead beat of a horse topic. Then why do you bother not fixing it then? Fixing a bad RP day can make a huge difference, we as a community choose to what happens during the changes or role play. If you believe simply saying "Role play has been shit recently" Is total nonsense. By simply making fun events such as related to NHS, Police or UNMC to civilian then yes its your choice if you want you it, but  if you take to inconsideration why both sides fight there guts out. You know I am glad Gang leaders and Police will get to meet with each other and actually solve these issues. So please can this be locked or removed? 

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You guys need to remember that it is a shooty shooty game, a lot of people like it here cuz there is roleplay involved. Maybe not everyone is Always on point for his roleplay. But when someone has a 1 million bounty @Khaanthere is no way out of it. Or say another name or it is not your car. Or you need to shoot your way out of it. maybe there are officers that do it but i didn't met them yet.

You know me Khan i like to be in a gunfight. Yes i am most of the time the one that covers my guys. I do get a lot of shit Always from some friends about you don't roleplay, you can't roleplay blahblah. Ugh UGH @Tyson Smurf@Finchyydickss #Banter. But that doesn't mean i dont go around sometimes and roleplay..... It is a shooting game there will Always be a gang out there that is going to take cops hostage, or is not gonna give his gun back. This will Always happen, i am here for little more then a year now and it is still the same. Normally the gangs would fight eachother what the problem is now for cops is that every gang targets cops instead of rebels. We need the big gangs back that take on the rebels.

I wish this idea could happen but sadly it never could, people are always going to want to kill each other, take each others loot and their money. I'm even gonna say until a few months ago I wanted to do the same. It's just more appealing in ways to people, it's more nerve racking and more heart pupping. In my case it was only until I got bored of all that, is when I started to actually experiment with RP and I now enjoy that more than the rebel life. Hopefully other people do the same but I can't be sure, some of my friends have left the server due to getting bored of that and just not finding it fun solely RPing. There's always going to be these people that prefer gunfights over RP, Arma is a military simulation game at the end of the day and people and many people buy the game for the combat. I may be sounding like i'm bias over rebels that poor RP but I do respect people who RP rather than people who just use combat and the moments that I do RP with people are more memorable than the majority of combat based ones. 

You guys need to remember that it is a shooty shooty game, a lot of people like it here cuz there is roleplay involved. Maybe not everyone is Always on point for his roleplay. But when someone has a 1 million bounty @Khaanthere is no way out of it. Or say another name or it is not your car. Or you need to shoot your way out of it. maybe there are officers that do it but i didn't met them yet.

You know me Khan i like to be in a gunfight. Yes i am most of the time the one that covers my guys. I do get a lot of shit Always from some friends about you don't roleplay, you can't roleplay blahblah. Ugh UGH @Tyson Smurf@Finchyydickss #Banter. But that doesn't mean i dont go around sometimes and roleplay..... It is a shooting game there will Always be a gang out there that is going to take cops hostage, or is not gonna give his gun back. This will Always happen, i am here for little more then a year now and it is still the same. Normally the gangs would fight eachother what the problem is now for cops is that every gang targets cops instead of rebels. We need the big gangs back that take on the rebels.
errrrrrrrrr what u trying to say  stomme kut I am a fountain of roleplay spewing it  out 24/7 

(when I'm playing to busy loving afk) 

 ... When was the last time U actually spoke to someone on cp ?? XD 

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Now people know what i mean with you 2 :')

And actually that is not so long ago. Love the dutch in there btw pannenkoek

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I had a similar experience on my last police patrol. We stopped to talk to a  vehicle who's owner  was wanted, and 3 guys hop out with 7.62s and yell something along the lines of "fuck off or we'll shoot you". Where's the fun in that? 

Before joining the Police I captured a rebel who hopped in my car at the Athira garage. He was also very rude. Barely spoke the whole time, and when it was he was either insulting us or complaining. At one point he said "you know I could be out killing cops with my gang right now". 

It seems that unless the big gangs are winning and in a position of power they won't put much effort into roleplay. The general attitude of these people seems to be "I'm in a big gang and if I get into trouble we'll just kill everyone". 

If we're talking about roleplay the entire Altis Police Department would have been shut down ages ago for the amount of unwarranted taser usage committed on a daily basis. "Oh this guy insulted me and is starting to run away, i'm going to possibly give him a heart attack".

If we're talking about roleplay the entire Altis Police Department would have been shut down ages ago for the amount of unwarranted taser usage committed on a daily basis. "Oh this guy insulted me and is starting to run away, i'm going to possibly give him a heart attack".
but eeh if someone insults a rebel these days he gets shot in the head, or in UNMC depends who it is maybe get dropped of a tower.

but eeh if someone insults a rebel these days he gets shot in the head, or in UNMC depends who it is maybe get dropped of a tower.
If I walk up to a biker IRL and talk shit to him I expect to get beat up, if I walk up and go oink oink to a cop IRL I don't expect to get tased.

but eeh if someone insults a rebel these days he gets shot in the head, or in UNMC depends who it is maybe get dropped of a tower.
I don't think running from traffic tickets is a threat of violence.

"Tasers are to be deployed with Specially Trained Officers, where the authorising officer has reason to suppose that they, in the course of their duty, may have to protect the public, themselves and /or the subject(s) at incidents of violence or threats of violence of such severity that they will need to use force."

If I walk up to a biker IRL and talk shit to him I expect to get beat up, if I walk up and go oink oink to a cop IRL I don't expect to get tased.
I understand what you mean, but in this game you just keep on running for days then just for a ticket. I think cops can use their tazer for it just not the rubber bullet guns

I understand what you mean, but in this game you just keep on running for days then just for a ticket. I think cops can use their tazer for it just not the rubber bullet guns
I think they should add 4% chance of death when someone gets tased and maybe 5% chance it won't affect them.

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For the sake of the community, THERE isn't any SHIT RP anywhere.... Simply because one tiny situation involving around guns or what not do'es not  mean that it is every day. If people can get it together for a moment here and think, if your going to sit here and complain on a dead beat of a horse topic. Then why do you bother not fixing it then? Fixing a bad RP day can make a huge difference, we as a community choose to what happens during the changes or role play. If you believe simply saying "Role play has been shit recently" Is total nonsense. By simply making fun events such as related to NHS, Police or UNMC to civilian then yes its your choice if you want you it, but  if you take to inconsideration why both sides fight there guts out. You know I am glad Gang leaders and Police will get to meet with each other and actually solve these issues. So please can this be locked or removed? 
"For the sake of the community, there isn't any shit rp anywhere..." Do you happen to see every scenario involving role play in the server at any given time? No you don't, so you don't happen to see different levels of role play that other players experience. Watching Vladic Ka's stream for an hour should give you insight into some of the poor role play that is performed on the server often (and good role play, lest us not forget).

You guys need to remember that it is a shooty shooty game, a lot of people like it here cuz there is roleplay involved. Maybe not everyone is Always on point for his roleplay. But when someone has a 1 million bounty @Khaanthere is no way out of it. Or say another name or it is not your car. Or you need to shoot your way out of it. maybe there are officers that do it but i didn't met them yet.

You know me Khan i like to be in a gunfight. Yes i am most of the time the one that covers my guys. I do get a lot of shit Always from some friends about you don't roleplay, you can't roleplay blahblah. Ugh UGH @Tyson Smurf@Finchyydickss #Banter. But that doesn't mean i dont go around sometimes and roleplay..... It is a shooting game there will Always be a gang out there that is going to take cops hostage, or is not gonna give his gun back. This will Always happen, i am here for little more then a year now and it is still the same. Normally the gangs would fight eachother what the problem is now for cops is that every gang targets cops instead of rebels. We need the big gangs back that take on the rebels.
If you cannot pass over that this is a "shooty shooty" game, then you are entirely in the wrong place. Roleplay UK clearly doesn't define itself as a "shooty shooty roleplay" community, if guns and shooting your way out of a scenario is the plan of action you are taking at every point of role play then you are not role playing well. Gunfights should always be considered as an afterthought to the role play in question.

Frankly, the power gaming (police and rebels) do can be sometimes fucking irritating and ignorant, I'll give you an example:

  1. The use of external communications on the server (TeamSpeak etc.), this fucking destroys role play soooooooooooo hard because people are to willing to tell their buddies about a certain situation that is going on and to get over here. A lá, cop is being held up, radios in to all units for backup / A lá, rebel is held up by cops, radios in to his buddies for backup. This shit is poor role play, a rule needs to be implemented that if you are speaking on TeamSpeak about something role play related in game at that current time, that it must be spoken about over the microphone in game as well, so holding down push-to-talk and the in-game microphone at the same time - police receive information, rebels receive information - stops fucky situations where suddenly people have back-up without saying a word over microphone.
I had a similar experience on my last police patrol. We stopped to talk to a  vehicle who's owner  was wanted, and 3 guys hop out with 7.62s and yell something along the lines of "fuck off or we'll shoot you". Where's the fun in that? 

Before joining the Police I captured a rebel who hopped in my car at the Athira garage. He was also very rude. Barely spoke the whole time, and when it was he was either insulting us or complaining. At one point he said "you know I could be out killing cops with my gang right now". 

It seems that unless the big gangs are winning and in a position of power they won't put much effort into roleplay. The general attitude of these people seems to be "I'm in a big gang and if I get into trouble we'll just kill everyone". 
"It seems that unless the big gangs are winning and in a position of power they won't put much effort into role play. The general attitude of these people seems to be "I'm in a big gang and if I get into trouble we'll just kill everyone"."  Don't think that it is that fair to label, poor role play from individuals should not put a label on the entire gang, however, the killing cops quota thing is also a big annoyance.

The fact of the matter is, some people cannot be fucked to role play correctly. Because they've been brought up on the server towards seeing the big dollar sign as the never-ending goal, anything that begrudges that ends up affecting the role play, it invites power gaming, meta gaming, etc. In addition, I honestly believe that the removal of certain systems would help to benefit at least some part of the role play. AKA, the removal of the "Cop Killer" bounty, and adding it to straight up "murder" - and the removal of the bounty value on the ANPR system, which should be replaced with a "danger level" instead. Why do I need to know how much bounty a rebel has accrued? It adds nothing to role play, and it's not like anyone earns money from capturing said bounties.

There are other things that are at the top of my head currently - but I cannot seem to think about them right now, maybe later if it jogs my memory.

If you cannot pass over that this is a "shooty shooty" game, then you are entirely in the wrong place. Roleplay UK clearly doesn't define itself as a "shooty shooty roleplay" community, if guns and shooting your way out of a scenario is the plan of action you are taking at every point of role play then you are not role playing well. Gunfights should always be considered as an afterthought to the role play in question.
Read it again, there is no way our of a 1 mil bounty unless you give false name or something. Now at the moment i dont have these problems cuz i am in unmc. And shooting my way out of a scenario? most of the times i dont get in a scenario like this....

Read it again, there is no way our of a 1 mil bounty unless you give false name or something. Now at the moment i dont have these problems cuz i am in unmc. And shooting my way out of a scenario? most of the times i dont get in a scenario like this....
The bounty tags are absolute bullshit and I wish they were removed, I also wish that if the player is wearing items that cover the face that they do not receive any "bounty" whatsoever, because how do you confirm that they're actually who they say they are?

I could understand if a mask wasn't being worn why bounty could be accrued, CCTV etc. But there is little room for role play when you are caught with a large bounty.

Also, I wasn't referring to you shooting your way out of a scenario, I was generalising and trying to make a point.

yo it aint about RDM, its about whats shit roleplay and what isnt...

tis what you need to understand
I would disagree. 

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

If I walk up to a biker IRL and talk shit to him I expect to get beat up, if I walk up and go oink oink to a cop IRL I don't expect to get tased.

I don't think running from traffic tickets is a threat of violence.

"Tasers are to be deployed with Specially Trained Officers, where the authorising officer has reason to suppose that they, in the course of their duty, may have to protect the public, themselves and /or the subject(s) at incidents of violence or threats of violence of such severity that they will need to use force."
Due to game limitations, we can't use batons, rugby tackle or pepper spray a criminal, so it's really the only way to stop someone. You also have to vary policy due to the attitude on the game, this is done in good and bad ways for roleplay. An example is that tazers are used more ingame than irl and also that people will complain if I pull the law "properly" to search people.

I would disagree. 

(2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).

Due to game limitations, we can't use batons, rugby tackle or pepper spray a criminal, so it's really the only way to stop someone. You also have to vary policy due to the attitude on the game, this is done in good and bad ways for roleplay. An example is that tazers are used more ingame than irl and also that people will complain if I pull the law "properly" to search people.
You can hit them, would be more "realistic" to knock someone to the ground instead of shooting them. If they are close enough to be an immediate danger you can SHIFT G, it's more reasonable than firing a taser point blank into someones chest.

You can hit them, would be more "realistic" to knock someone to the ground instead of shooting them. If they are close enough to be an immediate danger you can SHIFT G, it's more reasonable than firing a taser point blank into someones chest.
True but this only works while they're standing still and people moan if you knock them out with a gun in their hands. Not to mention half the time you knock out your fellow cop 😉
