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Well-known member
Hello dear friends,

As  I can speak for many, this server que is very long. Nights than I cant even play because not bothered to wait 3 hours. I understand that this community was always open for new people. But right now there is a peak with more than 256 players active on GTA RP. Some of them are new to RP. They have the right to join. But whitelisting this server will make the new people understand the RP and follow the rules better. Because right now you have 5 people in game who are terrible at RP, while 1 person who is great in it cant join. I rather have that 1 person with great RP. 

Will we lose people if we white list it? Yes we do. But Im positive about that community on the forums will not bother a whitelist. We know the game, rules and the community. I would apply to a whitelist, fill in an document, go on a interview or what ever, because I know the way of RP as do many of you. This wil make the RP better, que less longer and flash away the trolling people. 

Pros- Less waiting time Que, better RP

Problem- New people not joining in, server will be less popular (which this community already is)

I dont know, I might miss some knowledge but I think it would be better. 

This was responded to 2 weeks ago 

This was responded to 2 weeks ago 
Not quite mate, my suggestion is at different hours to whitelist. Meaning that there is still a time slot for new players but the people involved in the community have their slot to get a queue priority in the server

Not quite mate, my suggestion is at different hours to whitelist. Meaning that there is still a time slot for new players but the people involved in the community have their slot to get a queue priority in the server
Stealthees response is to whitelisting the server in general.

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