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Wentworth Miller

SPC Miller

What makes you read a hobo's title?
 My name is Wentworth  Miller, I was born on a island named Tanoa, I lived with my family in the jungle under harsh circumstances. I had a small family a father, brother and a sister, my mom got killed by a bear whilst  gathering food  out in the woods.  When  I turned 16 my father teached me how to hunt and make my own bow but I wasn't cut out for hunting and killing animals, I loved animals. My dad hated me for that as he knew that I wouldn't survive for very long after he passed away so he told me to gather some wood for the campfire and when I came my dad and my sister where gone I ran in the direction i thought they ran off to but only to end up in Georgetown. One of the biggest cities in Tanoa, I saw men with guns and civilians driving cars. There were people buying food and drinks and allot of technology that I never knew it existed. Allot of people looked at me with disgust, because i wasn't one of them I had a hard time getting used to the city as I had nowhere to stay and nowhere to work. I slept in public bathrooms and begged for money so I could attend school and atleast try to get some sort of a job.

Until a old man asked if I needed a place to stay and get dressed, I immediately said yes, So he drove me to his apartment ( He lived in a apartment building) and gave me some food and fresh clothes and a bed to sleep under the condition that i had to attend school as much as possible, get a degree and get a good earning job. He paid for my expenses. But it came to a end The old man died 12 years after I met him at the time I had my own house  and had a job at a big company that paid me a good salary to live on I also owned a jeep a 4 wheel drive which could drive me anywhere I wanted to go. One day I decided to drive through the jungle back to my camp where me, my dad and sister used to live and saw a woman at the camp, crying and standing at a rock which had letters carved into them saying "dad''. I made the gravestone when I left the camp 12 years ago, but I never knew what happened  to them I always assumed they were dead.

So I walked up to the woman and asked her what she was doing here and she said that this is where she used to live before they were captured by a guerrilla group that was trying to take over the island. I realized that it was my sister and briefly hugged her and told that I thought she and my dad ran off/died.I asked her what happened to her and dad she said that our dad was forced to work for them under bad conditions, he and my sister tried to escape but it completely failed as dad was shot as soon as they noticed he was trying to escape. She had to drag him and run through the jungle for 28 hours they have been hiding and running for the guerrilla group known as Syndikat. I told her that she could stay at my home and earn some money at the grocery store doing some low-educated work for them she agreed and walked with me to my jeep and we drove to Georgetown. She had a hard time getting used to the people but she had a place to stay and sleep. One month later I was out shopping I came across a beautiful woman, she asked me if I was new here in town and I answered yes, I moved to Georgetown a month ago with some help of an old man. I asked what her name was and she said her name was Demi and we started going out together and after a few nights out we finally kissed and became boyfriend and girlfriend. Two years later we moved in to together and started to talk about marriage and having kids. Eventually we married one year later and had 2 kids, a boy and a girl. We agreed on calling the boy : Theodore and the girl Sarah. We worked hard for them to get them a good college and a good degree and also we tried to keep them satisfied by buying toys and color books but Theodore wasn't really good at it because he always drew outside the lines but he loved to do it and later he became an Artist making beautiful paintings of the island. Sarah wanted to become a fisher she loved the jungle but she loved the sea and the ocean even more so we bought a ship to sail on the seas so we could Teach her how to fish and the best spot to fish. As of now I have 4 grandchildren and live a happy live on Tanoa

~Wentwoth E. Miller

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