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Vanilla unicorn


Well-known member
Grove Gas
The ability to work as a stripper/lapdancerThe ability to work as a stripper/lapdancer/bouncer in the vanilla unicorn.  The place is dead and there is really no RP in there whatsoever

the place is owned by someone, find the owner and try and figure something out

The ability to work as a stripper/lapdancerThe ability to work as a stripper/lapdancer/bouncer in the vanilla unicorn.  The place is dead and there is really no RP in there whatsoever
When Chloe Shinoda Adams owned it with employees she kept events going and she hosted them frequently with hired bouncers and bartenders even DJs, she got the wardrobe implemented for the staff there but can be used by everyone, she also had a uniform made by Jeep.

Shame that it's now just a ghost town, I enjoyed making posters and being there with friends but seeing it now dead with no roleplay is upsetting to me.

Now it is owned by someone else, due to being hacked and it being sold on the owners account so they had to transfer it back from Chloe.

Agree something needs to be done regarding the Vanilla unicorn, its never currently used but if a feature like this was implemented i feel it may bring more people into the establishment!

In city the owner would be the correct way to go about it, but i believe the owner has no plans of selling the establishment as of current, maybe suggest this to her!

Great idea +1 from me!


When Chloe Shinoda Adams owned it with employees she kept events going and she hosted them frequently with hired bouncers and bartenders even DJs, she got the wardrobe implemented for the staff there but can be used by everyone, she also had a uniform made by Jeep.
I second this. The club has been derelict for months. Chloe used to bring some light to it. 100000%

Sadly I feel that this is the case with most businesses atm. What (personally) upsets me even more is that there's been quite some businesses recently being handed out to people that ended up never doing anything with them, yet however people that applied for them whom put a lot of effort and had a lot of ideas where not even given an interview, and yes I am personally counting myself as one of those people (the people who saw my applications will know). I understand that some businesses might be already owned by others or that the CoC wants to give newer players a chance but if people genuinely let their businesses rot away then the ones genuinely interested in using them for the good of the server should be rewarded, like in Chloe's case for example.

if people genuinely let their businesses rot away then the ones genuinely interested in using them for the good of the server should be rewarded
inform us of businesses you think are inactive, we can't check all of them ourselves actively due to us only being 5 people.

to make it clear, all apps are read and graded before we decide, plus we talk about it.

inform us of businesses you think are inactive, we can't check all of them ourselves actively due to us only being 5 people.

to make it clear, all apps are read and graded before we decide, plus we talk about it.
I don't doubt that they are, it's just my personal opinion that I think that more than often people who really are determined are not given a fair chance, and considering that the main objective for obtaining a business should be the RP aspect, it just is very frustrating and sad to see that businesses I applied for are not even or only barely used for such purpose. I also don't want to call anyone out individually because at the end of the day I don't wish for anyone to lose their business. I guess it is what it is. 

inform us of businesses you think are inactive, we can't check all of them ourselves actively due to us only being 5 people.

to make it clear, all apps are read and graded before we decide, plus we talk about it.
I don't doubt that they are, it's just my personal opinion that I think that more than often people who really are determined are not given a fair chance, and considering that the main objective for obtaining a business should be the RP aspect, it just is very frustrating and sad to see that businesses I applied for are not even or only barely used for such purpose. I also don't want to call anyone out individually because at the end of the day I don't wish for anyone to lose their business. I guess it is what it is. 

I also don't mean to make anyone from the CoC look bad, that is not my intention at all but as I said I personally for example put a lot of effort into my applications and for them to not even be recognised and comparing them with others, it just personally felt unfair. But maybe they weren't as good as I thought, I leave that up to others and I have no issue posting them publicly to have people form their own opinion. 


I am now co-owner and have been advertising jobs/events for a week now. We currently have jobs for event staff, strippers, bartending and security jobs available if anyone is interested contact me in game. We have a steady flow of customers everyday now and I am trying my best to get this place busy. Hope to see you all there and our next event is this Saturday which is speed dating! Also we don't expect every girl who gets a job here to get her kit off we are hiring girls to just walk around chat and do table service with drinks etc as I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea. So everyone is welcome! We are even hiring male strippers 😄😄 

HBaker said:

I am now co-owner and have been advertising jobs/events for a week now. We currently have jobs for event staff, strippers, bartending and security jobs available if anyone is interested contact me in game. We have a steady flow of customers everyday now and I am trying my best to get this place busy. Hope to see you all there and our next event is this Saturday which is speed dating! Also we don't expect every girl who gets a job here to get her kit off we are hiring girls to just walk around chat and do table service with drinks etc as I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea. So everyone is welcome! We are even hiring male strippers 😄😄 
Also happy to hire some DJ's!
