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Hi, My ingame name is Gurra. I play on this server alot, ALOT. I tried to log on and all it sais is that i am banned for game hack? I dont even you could hack arma. Please help.

if the ban message is something along   the lines of this "admin ban: game hack 08/08/14 wilco" then it means you were either cheating in money or cheating or there was a misunderstanding 

if the ban msg says somthing like "you  were kicked off the game (battleye global ban........)" then it means you had CE open or you are a lying piece of shit and were trying to hack

if the ban message is something along   the lines of this "admin ban: game hack 08/08/14 wilco" then it means you were either cheating in money or cheating or there was a misunderstanding 

if the ban msg says somthing like "you  were kicked off the game (battleye global ban........)" then it means you had CE open or you are a lying piece of shit and were trying to hack
Waaaaaiit you actually can get globally banned for having CheatEngine open in the background :S?! I Havn't been banned yet.. i use it all the time when i play dragonfable on my cheat account xD Maybe because i use an old version? idek

Waaaaaiit you actually can get globally banned for having CheatEngine open in the background :S?! I Havn't been banned yet.. i use it all the time when i play dragonfable on my cheat account xD Maybe because i use an old version? idek
you get kicked/banned accordingly so sometimes yes but not often  

In that case can you please unban me becosue i play alot on this server and i love it! I dont cheat im kind im just a normal player.
i am not a admin but i have a good knowlege of things like this....but for anyone to un-ban you you need ti say what ban msg you got

was it smotinhg like this  "you  were kicked off the game (battleye global ban........)"

or this  "admin ban: game hack 08/08/14 wilco" 

Waaaaaiit you actually can get globally banned for having CheatEngine open in the background :S?! I Havn't been banned yet.. i use it all the time when i play dragonfable on my cheat account xD Maybe because i use an old version? idek
Actually, you can get VAC banned for running cheatengine in the background while playing Arma 3, with that said, the VAC ban will ban you from any Arma 3, Arma 2, and DayZ Standalone VAC protected servers, and probably any game that use the VAC system, like CS:GO, but that one, I'm not so sure.

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Actually, you can get VAC banned for running cheatengine in the background while playing Arma 3, with that said, the VAC ban will ban you from any Arma 3, Arma 2, and DayZ Standalone VAC protected servers.
arma 3/2/ dayz SA does not run VAC it has its own system battleye

if the ban message is something along   the lines of this "admin ban: game hack 08/08/14 wilco" then it means you were either cheating in money or cheating or there was a misunderstanding 

if the ban msg says somthing like "you  were kicked off the game (battleye global ban........)" then it means you had CE open or you are a lying piece of shit and were trying to hack
I guess it was battleye global ban but im not sure. I have not done anything wrong thoe. Who do i contact?

I guess it was battleye global ban but im not sure. I have not done anything wrong thoe. Who do i contact?
if it is global ban you will have to go to http://www.battleye.com/support.html read that then email support 

thats your best bet.

there is a different way where wilco or ed can chose to ignore the battleye global ban but you would only be able to join this server as you will be global banned from every other dayz SA and arma 3 server running battleye. and no offence here but i dont think wilco or ed would be willing to do that since you only have 6 posts and from there point of view "once a cheater always a cheater" ....i have been part of this community for a while now and from all my time here there is only 1 person i know who wilco has un-banned localy and chosen to ignore the BE global ban and that was for somtinhg that wasent CE

also ed Williams (tiny Big Jako) or wilco are the only ones who would be able to help you in this circumstance  

My mistake, it's not the VAC but the battleye system, but the "multi-game" ban stands correct, am I right?
yes/no    arma 2 has fuck off with bans even if you are global banned they have disbanded the system meaning you can change you game key to anything and get un-bannned...but with arma 3 and dayz SA the bans carry over 

if it is global ban you will have to go to http://www.battleye.com/support.html read that then email support 

thats your best bet.

there is a different way where wilco or ed can chose to ignore the battleye global ban but you would only be able to join this server as you will be global banned from every other dayz SA and arma 3 server running battleye. and no offence here but i dont think wilco or ed would be willing to do that since you only have 6 posts and from there point of view "once a cheater always a cheater" ....i have been part of this community for a while now and from all my time here there is only 1 person i know who wilco has un-banned localy and chosen to ignore the BE global ban and that was for somtinhg that wasent CE

also ed Williams (tiny Big Jako) or wilco are the only ones who would be able to help you in this circumstance  
Oh :( Cuz i play at least 5-6 hours a day and love this server! What am i supposed to do? i was planing to buy vip D:

Oh :( Cuz i play at least 5-6 hours a day and love this server! What am i supposed to do? i was planing to buy vip D:
like i said before contact BE its your best chance of getting un-banned

It was admin ban: game hack :eek: i promise u can check my game files i havent hacked!
ok then...a admin will post here and ask for more info and process or not process your un-ban

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