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Unban Appeal - JessyC - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for JessyC 

In-game Name: Jessy Cummings

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198201320163

Ban ID: !!rpuk14703!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Its now to my understanding that transferring money between characters is not allowed as stated in rule G2.9. This was a genuine mistake.

Why should we unban you ?: After reading the rules once again, It had come to my understanding that the rule G2.9 clearly states that you cannot transfer money/items between characters. this is my own miss reading/mistake and unfortunately resulted in a ban for my friend and myself. we have both re read the rules and we understand clearly what we did wrong, we are both new to the server and greatly enjoy it. I apologies for my mistake

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening, @JessyC! I hope all is well 🙂

I must say this appeal lacks effort, it's not exactly screaming to me that you're wanting to return.

Please explain to me how you transferring items between characters was a mistake? This seems awfully intentional to me.

All is good thank you @Danoo🙂

I realize now that it was the wrong thing to do, I'm sorry and it wont happen again. I would like to come back to the city, its some of the best RP I've seen in my years playing and I have re read the rules so I'm up to date with right and wrong, Id like to apologize again for not reading the rules properly the first time. Now that I realize that trying to get that amount of money is about 20 minuets of basic work, so a very foolish move on my behalf. If I'm allowed back into the city there will never be another issue with me again, as I promise I will be on my best behavior and give the best quality RP that I can. Again, I'm sorry for the trouble, I will respect any decision you come to, Thanks for your time reading my appeal. :3

Good morning, @JessyC!

You made two characters (Robbie Isfat & Loopy Poandy) and transferred a total of £70,000 to your friend Lara Cox.
After this, you then received £40,000 of this back to your Jessie Cummings character from Lara. 

- Why did you send the 70K to Lara?
- What did you receive the 40K for? 

Good morning @Danoo

There isn't any other reason besides trying to get a bit of starting cash, hence why I gave the money (£70,000) to Lara, and then asked for the 40k back and let her keep the rest as a thank you. I'd just like to say again I did this before reading the rules properly and myself and Lara realize the mistakes I made which broke the rule G2.9, and have both re read all the rules and are very sorry. There will be no more mistakes like this in the future.  

Good morning, @JessyC! Thanks for the honest response 🙂

Bans of this nature come with some unban conditions which are the following:

1 Character of your choice will receive a full character wipe (Bank, Cash, Assets, Cars, Houses, Inventory, Licences etc) however you'll still be able to keep your story.
The remaining characters will be permanently deleted. 
Do you accept these unban conditions and if you do, which character would you like to keep with a full wipe?

Good morning @JessyC!

Thank you, I have requested the following and will update you once it has been complete. 

Good evening, @JessyC!

As per the above unban conditions, the above has now been processed.
I am willing to give you another chance on the server to prove yourself here, given that this is your first ban I am hoping that you've now managed to learn a lesson from it.
Please, have a solid read over the rules before you return, and ensure you come back with some quality roleplay which is fun for all parties involved rather than attempting to gain an advantage. 

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS, it will also be much harder to appeal so please don't waste the chance.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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