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Unban Appeal - cv23richards23 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for cv23richards23 

In-game Name: paddy lee

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199466790431

Ban ID: !!rpuk12084!!

Reason given for your ban: c1.14 g2.3 g1.5 c1.7

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: well i would like to start my appeal by taking full responsibility for my actions i would like to believe i am a honest person who can take and accept the accountability for my actions in this situation i was very hot headed leading me to break multiple rules which i will go into depths about as this appeal goes on. so i will tell the truth an only the truth through out this.
G1.5// in the situation that had arose between me an a high quality roleplay officer i decided to try an power game my way out of a situation once i had been arrested an i belived he had done something wrong i went straight out of character and started to power game even though he provided high quality roleplay like stopping the vehicle to remove any video equipment i may of been carrying i tried to say i had this footage in the cloud which clearly dose not exist threatening to report the player OOC which now looking back on it could lead players to change there decision rather than accepting i had done wrong i tried to force a situation which is completely wrong an i now have come to realize not only was i power gaming i was ruining the roleplay for the arresting officer.

G2.3// is failure to roleplay through out any situation unless asked to break character by a admin themselves... even if i had felt hard done by the current circumstances i should of carried on to roleplay an make it enjoyable for everyone involved rather than acting an thinking only about myself i have recently come to realize after spending many hours in other citys that no where will give you the experienced role play RP.CO.UK has to offer an if i ever feel like they is a issue i am to remain calm an take it up after the roleplay scenario has ended. (via report if they has actually been a breaking of a rule) or by (opening a ticket to talk to staff about the matter privately to ask for a second opinion on where i would stand in the matter)

C1.7// Is something i take full responsibility for i know what is right an wrong and in the moment let adrenaline cloud my judgement which i am forever regretting over these last 6 months thinking over an over about the situation and how i ruined it for myself with no one else to blame but me.

C1.14//This is a rule that not only effects G2.3 and C1.7 but all 3 can fit into this by taking matters into my own hands to break character an threaten to report someone is way out of line like i stated earlier a in experienced player with less roleplay background might lead to make different decisions based on these outbursts effecting roleplay scenarios and all around ruining the roleplay for all involved and anybody feeling hard done should allways play out a situation until the final moment in character and only report if they is a actual rule break but not to break character and say this in game unless asked by a admin/ member of staff to do so.

Why should we unban you ?: i would like to say i believe the consequence was just for my actions and is key to keeping a high quality roleplay environment by not allowing people to get away with rule breaks is partly what makes this community so great ive had a long deserved 6 month ban with plenty of time to reflect on my actions and better myself ive involved myself in many citys since getting a higher quality grasp on roleplay an how it should function properly at the end of the day we are all here to have a fun enjoyable / believable roleplay experience with as much realism as possible i had provided many high quality roleplay scenarios in my time on RP.CO.UK an i would really like to see more to come ive had staff help me with the understanding of the city better an i would like to show the time spent on me was not wasted that i have become better with my handling of situations and performance towards roleplay and the community itself i know i have not the cleanest record but im completely understanding that the incidences before was down to my own actions and a strong learning curve for the future. i have spent the last 6 months hoping an counting the days down until i would be able to better explain myself and hope for another chance that would not be wasted believe me i wouldn't allow myself now to become entangled in emotions over a scenario that i feel was hard done when looking back i was the one to blame ima dedicated gamer who enjoys playing roleplay but it would not be as enjoyable if i could not return to the number 1 roleplay server around. i just hope that when you read this you understand i mean everything i say with only the best intentions and hopefully im allowed to prove myself by coming back and providing many more high quality roleplay situations for all to enjoy.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello there, 

That's a lot of rules you managed to get yourself caught up in. 
In the past you failed to follow simple cooldown given to you in your first appeal, why? Impatient? Didn't read the reply? 

You've got a nice record with us, mostly forum report bans. 
Will this behavior return if allowed back? 

You say you had staff help you with understanding the city better, what do you mean by this? Are you talking about your report a player? 
In the time away, what have you been up to, what changed, what are your plans for your character(s).

hello thankyou for taking your time to reply to me ..if im completely honest at the time i was not in a clear head space in real life since the 6 months has passed ive made alot of changes an progression in my personal life to further better myself as a person i understand ive had alot of incidents with other players an ill always speak the truth i was fairly new to roleplay  at the time an i hold my hands up that i was to blame for a high majority of them ..including bumping my appeal by not reading the appeal rules thoroughly but since then ive spent many hours reading the rules and understanding how i ended up in constant trouble for silly things that was in my control to avoid .

staff had pulled me aside the day i was banned to speak to me an before i was banned i was spoken to by numerous admins ontop of maze bank explaining how i could of bettered myself in the situations an where i was mixed up on simple understanding of roleplay which i have used to master my roleplay interactions on other servers long awaiting my return on here to show im a better player an also a better person now i had a foul mouth last time i was here and its not who i am as a person i would like to further show that an prove im respectful and grateful for a second chance.

 as you may know from my record before i was banned i had spent a long period of time in jail i plan to take of from that using my ban as a backstory as to me being a CAT A prisoner not being allowed contact with anybody and in maximum security as to why i havent been seen or heard of in 6 months i have my hands in all sorts of pies an i would like to continue from my sketchy life style  but with more focus on providing high quality roleplay for all to enjoy without making silly past mistakes ive made .... and maybe finding a righteous path to getting out the game an becoming clean. 

all i can ask is that you generally understand what i say to you is the truth and only he truth i will not lie or break rules when faced with the opportunity to do so and i will allways focus on  roleplay before i let personal matters take over ....thank you once again for responding to me and i can only show you i have changed as a person with a second chance that would not be wasted. 

Hello there @cv23richards23
I'm glad to hear things are turning out for the better for you! 🙂

What is the best roleplay situation you've provided to someone? 
What do you plan to do if allowed back, what is the lore, or story you've created for your character (Paddy Lee).
What is the mark you want to leave on people when they roleplay with you? 

You've been banned for threats to report in voice before, how do I know there won't be a third time? 
Your record isn't the nicest, but not the worst as most of your bans were FBS. 

You seem sincere about your appeal and understanding of all the wrongs you've committed I am willing to give you a second try, given this is your first perm-ban.

@Mikehello and thankyou again for responding.

there has been quite a few they was situations where i had been kidnapped by members of the cutlass and i held full value for my life forced at gun point to do activities which i believe i provided great roleplay they had even stated 'that this guys actually alright with a few laughs along the way and spared my life due to the interaction we had had' but they was other occasions too  i ran a fight club in the boxing gym with over 30 people turning up we had nhs outside with a paramedic in training who was using the people who lost there fight as training to learn the ropes all within roleplay guidelines i had spoke to the two nhs staff that had the trainee an they pulled me to aside also engaged in watching some of the fights before they left an the fight club was closed for the evening.  

the mark i like to an tend to try leave is that im a civilian im not a bully or a knob in fact im just a average guy like everyone else in the city  trying to make ends meat staying in roleplay character at all times to provide the best experience for all were all here to roleplay so if one person breaks that it ruins it for all involved an also damages the community you guys have spent so long building there is a reason this server has such a big fan base and its because its real far from many other citys and you show you care ...ive not been the smartest in the past and threats shouldn't be taken lightly its a complete break of rules and one ive come to understand quite well i believe im mentally a lot more prepared to engage in high quality roleplay now  an i give you my word that i tend to stay away from this forum for good.

i almost forgot to explain more lore and for anyone whos met me or knows me will know i was a simple taxi driver who was making minimal wage the clean way for a while until i found the dark path of fast money but dangerous money i got involved in selling coke out my taxi to other people around the city in whole sale a before i knew it i was changing from clocking in at the taxi rank to standing on the block i served many jail sentences so its hard for my guy to rehabilitate himself but its a path he will slowly try to get back on i plan to continue from where i left off im not a perfect citizen and have spent so long that way it would be hard to become clean so soon although that is where i would like the future to take me i plan to stay under the radar providing high quality roleplay hopefully meeting up with old friends and making new friends and seeing where the road takes me along the way i can guarantee though a second chance would not be wasted.  

thankyou again for taking time to read this 

regards Brandon.

Hello there @cv23richards23
I see the time away from the server did you good, let's see. 
I do hope with the time away from the server you will be able to not only keep yourself to the rules, but as well bring high quality roleplay people around you. 

I can see you've been taking a great steps and went through great lengths to get here, I do honestly hope that this won't happen again, and this is your first and last ban, please, please go through even greater lengths not to end up being banned again, your second unban appeal will be even more difficult than the first.  
I am willing to give you a second try, given this is your first perm-ban.
Keep in mind that any and all bans for the next 6 months of your date of unban will be automatically permanent. 


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