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Un-ban Appeal - Snox - 21/10/17 (Denied)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
RDM (2.2)

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I know that I messed up, at the time I thought that I was vdmed but that's not what this is about, my quilin was destroyed by a police hatchback that hit it, it was killed in an explosion and a medic came. The medic revived the police first and the police came over and restrained me as soon as I was revived, in the short time whilst I was getting my pistol out after being revived, because I was annoyed with at the time what I thought was vdm I shot as many times into the police office opposite me (RDM, no rp also failrp as I should have not been able to shoot whilst being restrained, only because of how the game works I was able to) then the downed police office became an admin on duty, thus rightfully banning me.

Why should we unban you ?
I have been a member of this server for quite a while, my forums account was made on 21/5/16 however I have been playing since 2015 on and off. I truly believe that it is my fault and my actions which got me banned and I would like to take the chance to apologise to busterguy, I made a stupid impulse decision that you rightfully banned me for. I believe that I should be unbanned because I have recently started playing with some new friends, just a week or two ago and we joined a gang (SFF) so I was planning to stay for a while.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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3 months ago i asked did you read our rules and are you able to follow them, And you said yes. 
and now you are here again. With a basic rule such as RDM. 
How can we trust you this time? 

Because I understand the rule of rdm thoroughly. This meaning that I have learnt that you need to initiate, I thought that my car being destroyed was vdm (It doesnt matter as thats not whats up for debate here) This meaning that I was annoyed and decided to kill the police, I thought that my car's destruction was their initiation on me. I now know that to initiate you must say a command (no countdowns) followed by "Or you will be shot/tyres will be shot" and also you cant initate in a vehicle. I didn't say anything to the officer thus I was banned 

well you better take a look to this post, 

as i can see from your answer you dont know when you are able to shoot and when not. 
read it and comment when you have read it. 

I wish I found this sooner, thanks for linking this to me as it clears up somethings for me, not only does it help me with my own initiations but if I am unbanned, it will help me recognize when someone is not involving themselves in quality roleplay, such as police just saying hands up or you will be tazed straight away, something has got to happen before that.

such as police just saying hands up or you will be tazed straight away, something has got to happen before that.
the post says killing someone must be carried out with high quality rp. tazing is not killing. 
give me an example of a high quality rp session. 
What will you say if you try to rob someone? 

Let's just say this is at the salt trader. I would walk up to the trader, without my gun drawn and I would pretend that I was selling, I would maybe talk to the guy about what he is doing then let it get to a point when he has nearly sold his salt to pull out a gun and say "Listen to me, if you don't do what I say, you will be killed", I would then give him some commands of things to do, starting with things such as put your hands up so that I could rob him, from there I would then ziptie him to keep the rp going, I could take him my hostage back to my gang, or I could start playing some games with him, that won him his freedom and that the penalty would be his death. Some examples of this are things like making the person guess a number between 1-10 etc. If he tried to run then pulled out his gun, thats where I would tell him to put his gun down and give him a chance to not be killed, if he returned fire, then I would kill him.

Having read this, and now you seem to have a better understanding of RDM, I feel the main issue here isn't so much about your misunderstanding of the rules, rather your inability to control your temper when you feel you've been wronged.

How can we be assured that you won't break rules when. Believe me, it will happen again, so how will you handle these types of situations?

sorry, my bad I was busy with things irl, anyway

Because, I understand that my actions will get me banned, so I will think before I act, which has worked previously but not in this situation. I will try to better myself

Appeal will be denied, you still havent learned from your pass issues within our community. Appeal in 6 months


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