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Un-ban Appeal - shruggerewski - 11/01/19

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Well-known member
In-game Name
PC Shrug [1711]

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Vladic Ka

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I ran over another person with my SUV. Wasn't entirely intentional but I could have definitely avoided doing it. In teamspeak, we had been mucking about, and without the context of what was happening in teamspeak it looks terrible. I was driving away from Veikkq, but only a little bit so that he couldn't get in the car. After that, I hit into a pole and it sent me flying and flipped me over, almost hitting another person. Then, when I was driving back and Veikkq got in the car, Tokjat had ran in-front of the car and I ran over him. It wasn't entirely intentional to run over him, on my screen I was a little bit of distance away from him, but knew that it would probably still hit him. I kept driving after I had initially went over him, causing him to be flung a few meters and making the car jump up.

Why should we unban you ?
It's a really stupid mistake to make on my part, and i'm usually pretty careful with not hitting other people/vehicles. I wasn't really thinking about it, because I was still laughing at the car going flying when it happened, and wasn't really thinking about it. Entirely just a stupid mistake that could have been easily avoided on my part.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Only 2 month  you have received 3 notes on your name and now 2 bans. 

Why will we consider unban you with the poor attitude you have showed to staff and the constant rule break ?

My first ban was a wake up call, absolutely. I needed that to get my behavior and attitude in-check and work on myself as a person and as a member of this community. The ban for VDM, was entirely me being an idiot and fooling about when I shouldn't have been. Since my first ban for 1.2/1.7, I've not had any arguments, disputes or issues with any member of the community or any member of staff so i'd like to think there's definitely been improvements made there. 

I will fully admit I have been toxic, and I've matured a lot within the past couple of months.  This is a community I do want to be involved in, and it is certainly a community I want to be a part of. I've made stupid mistakes with these bans, and notes, and overall being a dickhead to people in positions of authority, and it's going to stop. I can promise you that.  

So you needed to get banned having had lots of warnings, for a "wake up call"?

It seems like your first warning should be a wake up call, then from what I can see of your player notes you actually got worse.

What is to stop this happening again? Two months is quite a short time to mature and realise all of your wrong doings.

The first ban was a wake up call because while warnings are warnings, I've actually had to properly reflect on my wrongdoings and see how i can improve in the future, and work my hardest to make that improvement. Not that warnings mean nothing, just that you actually have something that you can see, and something you've got to think about and reflect on.

It's not that I've only got a grip in the past 2 months, but it's been a decently long time, around 6 months. 

There's a couple things that will ensure I don't do anything bannable in the future. One of the reasons would be that this really is a great community, I've came to know a couple of really good folk and it's been some of the most fun and time I've been willing to invest into games in a few years, and I'd like to remain as a part of this community. Second would be that I know there's most likely no chance of a third ban appeal being accepted, so it truly does mean that if I was to get unbanned, it would properly be my last chance on the server. 

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So are you saying it takes punishment for you to see what you did wrong? Warnings don't carry any weight? Because from what I can see of your warning history you were very luck to get away with the warnings you did.

Im glad you see the severity of your second ban because if you did get banned again, there would be no more chances.

If you were to get unbanned, and by no means is this decided yet, what would you do if you came back and what do you offer the server in terms of high quality roleplay?

I didn't mean that warnings are worth nothing, of course they are but it's different when it's something you can personally visualise and reflect on. And yeah, I totally agree with you that I was lucky to get away with the warnings I had received. 

In terms of high quality roleplay, I've been told my roleplay was usually of a high quality in NHS feedbacks and police feedbacks, receiving a couple of recommendations my first couple days as NHS. Of course, there is always room for improvement but in terms of improving my roleplay I personally think that I need to be more confident and assertive, basically be a little bit less of a pushover. I'm not too sure how it works since I got banned a second time, but if I am removed I would definitely try reapply for the police, having enjoyed it more than any other game at the moment. The way I've been trying to improve it was by watching other people with more experience and taking mental notes on what they do, and sometimes incorporate it into my RP. 

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So you’ve been given 4 chances in 2 months and then after coming out of a perm appeal of all places and being told by management your on thin ice you still decided to mess around. 

That being said, you’ve been fairly mature within your appeal and seem to have finally identified what your doing wrong and claim to have matured. 

I’ll be willing to give you 1 final chance but that’s it. Any further rule break of ANY kind no matter how large or small will be it, no appeals for 6 months instant perm. 

Dont waste this opportunity

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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