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Un-ban Appeal - Mr Fuzzy Balls - 23/01/19

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Well-known member
In-game Name
Mista Fuzzy Balls

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned, because after being in a long chase with a Ghost Hawk, some guys in the NPAS helicopter managed to shoot me out of the pilot seat in my Orca. After I got shot out of the seat, my game froze up for a couple of seconds and stopped playing audio, followed by both of my screens flashing black a few times, then crashed back to launcher and displayed a tab saying "UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI" which (after reading about it a little bit) seems to be a graphics driver crash, overheating or other graphics card related issues. This would look like combat logging to anyone on the outside and I totally understand.

Why should we unban you ?
It wasn't anything up to me, or within my control. If I was aware there was an admin/mod watching, I would have immediately messaged whoever it was, telling them my games crashed and showing a screenshot. I had nothing valuable on me, definitely nothing worth combat logging for. I do have a screencap of the crash message but I can't attach it in the appeal, so if it's wanted/needed i'll post it in a response.

Edit: Adding in the screencap.

I do understand that in my last appeal we had agreed that if I received any bans in the future that it would be 6 months before I could appeal, so I would not be appealing this unless I truly believed that this event was entirely out of my control.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.


I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Right! Where to begin, I'm sure you're familiar with the process as this is now your third ban.

We'll start by simply addressing that you've given as your arguments against 2.5 . 
"If I was a ware there was an admin/mod watching, I would have immediately messaged whoever it was" -- Doesn't make a lot of sense to me? Common sense would dictate to me that if I was involved in a large scale situation and then "crashed", the first thing I'd do would be to attempt to make contact with one of the people involved in order to make them aware, regardless of whether they are a member of staff.

Now I'd like to go on to talk a little about the actual situation that occurred leading up to your ban.
The Orca chase began and ended up lasting a while, it was clear that the police weren't going to be able to do a whole lot so they summoned a police, armed ghosthawk. The ghosthawk offered a chance for you to land and comply but this was refused and thus the hostilities began. Initially, when being fired upon, the altitude of the Orca was far over the 25 meter limit, after more chase by the ghosthawk you decided you'd try and gain immunity by dipping below and sometimes even hovering at 24 meters as you believed it would offer some sort of protection. Various police dispatches followed.


I'll address this situation by referencing the following two rules.

(2.7) Trolling - The following examples are considered trolling however there are multiple others so we advise common sense. Running around the police/medics/anyone, throwing yourself in front of vehicles, playing music in any chat or on teamspeak, bombarding the messaging system, buying multiple vehicles to block spawn areas or using them to blow things up, jumping off buildings without RP,spamming the vote admin or vote kick system, talking/playing music in the lobby screen, playing soundboards/voice changers ingame and open TS channels (Punishment is a ban, or permanent ban depending on the severity).

(1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers.

Think of it this way, you dipping below 25 meters to gain protection is not indifferent from you running into a greenzone to gain protection. Neither of which are allowed. As detailed by the rules shown above, 2.7, you're forcing a situation to stop because you've decided you'd like to hover at 24 meters and start sending police dispatches, seems like trolling to me!

Additionally, 1.7, use some common sense! We can't include absolutely everything that you must not do on our rules page else it'd be far longer than it is currently but we expect our players to treat this community as an adult community which is something you clearly cannot handle.

This is now your third ban, you clearly don't wish to show regard for the rules that you've had the opportunity to read time and time again so, at the moment I cant justify allowing you to return. I welcome you to attempt to change my mind.

NOTE: your ban has not changed, you are still currently only banned on record for combat logging though you should still offer an explanation for what has been mentioned above.

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Yeah, I agree with you in saying that was trolling, and I will fully admit that I was trying to be annoying to the police and trying to be a nuisance. My language was out of order and if presented the chance I would apologise for being so salty to all the people involved in the pursuit. Despite my language and attitude towards the officers, I didn't really mean any of it and was saying it out of frustration at being unable to escape them. Regardless, that was one of the best chase i'd ever been in and full props and respect to everyone involved, and especially the pilot and gunners. 

We'll start by simply addressing that you've given as your arguments against 2.5 . 
"If I was a ware there was an admin/mod watching, I would have immediately messaged whoever it was" -- Doesn't make a lot of sense to me? Common sense would dictate to me that if I was involved in a large scale situation and then "crashed", the first thing I'd do would be to attempt to make contact with one of the people involved in order to make them aware, regardless of whether they are a member of staff.
I didn't know the names of anyone who was following me, as I had no actual interactions where I could have seen their name, and I couldn't remember who sent the ATC. I had assumed it was Ponty, seeing as it was a ghost hawk but I had no way to be sure. I should have messaged any police officer who I suspected to be involved in the situation and resolved it with them. 

(1.7) As a roleplay game every situation is different and not everything can be detailed within these rules and so it is important to remember this is an adult community and some things simply come down to common sense. Things like the following; do not swear at people (out of roleplay), troll people, or bully people otherwise you will simply be banned from our servers.

Think of it this way, you dipping below 25 meters to gain protection is not indifferent from you running into a greenzone to gain protection. Neither of which are allowed. As detailed by the rules shown above, 2.7, you're forcing a situation to stop because you've decided you'd like to hover at 24 meters and start sending police dispatches, seems like trolling to me!

Additionally, 1.7, use some common sense! We can't include absolutely everything that you must not do on our rules page else it'd be far longer than it is currently but we expect our players to treat this community as an adult community which is something you clearly cannot handle.
I was unaware that dipping below 25m intentionally and messaging about it can be against the rules, and should I get unbanned if i'm ever in another situation like that, I'm going to avoid sending teasing/baity messages and being a dickhead about it. I can't really justify it all but I was ba little bit pissy about being chased down by a ghost hawk, which for an orca felt like overkill. I kept going below 25m because I knew there was really no way I could fight against the ghost hawk. I was going to try get some mates to get a few .50 Offroads and shoot at the helicopter, but I was unsure if that was RDM so I didnt do that, so being below 25m was my only protection in my mind.

This is now your third ban, you clearly don't wish to show regard for the rules that you've had the opportunity to read time and time again so, at the moment I cant justify allowing you to return. I welcome you to attempt to change my mind.

NOTE: your ban has not changed, you are still currently only banned on record for combat logging though you should still offer an explanation for what has been mentioned above.
It is my third ban, and it does seem like I show a lack of regard for rules. After being banned twice, I take rules into consideration when I do most things, such as if my initiation was fully proper and couldnt be considered RDM, if my executions, ect were performed with quality in order to avoid any reports or bans. I've been trying to keep my roleplay up to the highest quality I can, with the situations i'm presented with or that I create. I have read the rules multiple times, going over almost everything a few times and trying to outright avoid doing anything that I think is miffy in terms of rules. 

Like I had said previously, I respect the agreement me and NotMattch had made, that I wouldn't be able to appeal any bans until 6 months aterwards, but I truly do believe this was out of my control, while there definitely was actions I could have taken to remedy this, I failed to do so and this has taught me the proper procedure to follow should anything like this happen in the future, whether on RPUK or any other RP servers. 

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From the amount of notes and bad attitude you show members of the community and i have no idea why you think is okay to write this stuff to the police while being chaise. You have been in the police and know how dispatch to police work. And as you admit you were trolling and in your last appeal you claim to mature but i do not see anything of this in all the message you wrote to the police.  

So because of all of that in the very short amount of month you receive all of this you are perm banned from the server and you can make a new appeal in 6 month from the date you were banned.

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