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TRAnders (Action: Ban Issued 28/12/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): TRAnders
Time & Date this happened: approx 21:45 24/12/14
Description of what happened: So I had some RP going where I was going around and warning bounty hunters to leave Kavala otherwise they would experience bad things in their future. I'd taken one particulary meta-gamey bounty hunter to the top of the offices near the crane and asked for his last will and testament and I was working on the next one. I managed to get him zip-tied and in short order he:
  1. Talked in side chat, even though multiple people were warning him not to
  2. He glitched out of the handcuffs as we were running along
  3. And the coup de grâce was where he combat logged while I was mid-song in my terrible russian accent (I've got a sore throat, so work with me on this).
When he logged back in I first asked in side if he'd step into a public room in TS, this soon was spammed off screen, so I sent him an in-game message asking the same:

He ignored me, so I sent another one (don't have a screenshot of this). Ignored again, so here I am.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes, see above
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence):

As in I allready said to you I glitched in the bridge and my arma crashed. I tried talking to you ingame but you wouldn't respond and didn't use mobile as that is fail rp. The huge crowd of you were following me around even when I tired moving away from you and one of you ran me over 2 times then you restraind me when i was still lying on the floor after being VDM. As for glitching I didn't do anything (please tell me what I did) and for side chat I didn't realise I was on the channel and had the mic on so back ground sound was picked up. That was. General mistake which I quickly reacted to after realising which i apologise for.

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This Guy is failing RP too , i once tried to Rob him , then he quickly drove his vehicle too the garage and stored it , and DCed , then after he Said stupid things too me like , you tried to Rob me in green zone . But the bridge near the garage isnt . This Guy is a kid or a metagamer and doesnt even have a mic ...

Thats just my opinion tho.

Well it wasn't fail rp you rammed me right outside a green zone in front of Kavala which was filled of police. Then some one ran you over and you fell to the floor. I then drove to the garage ( where I was going in the first place) and carried on with rp even though you chased and tried to ram me in the green zone once you got back into your car. I believe you arnt allowed to ram in the game? And you said nothing to me and just rammed me you didn't say a word like stop or get out

I did not receive any form of communication from you after you combat logged. This would be easy to see from the logs. I texted you as side chat was being spammy. I wanted to resolve it over ts rather than take it to the forums. The fact you ignored me is why this thread exists.

I'm done here.

If you want to carry from where we left off I'm fine with that. My point is that I was having connection issues and was glithing around when you had me zip tied. The reason I didn't want to join TS is that there were a large group of around 7 and felt that it would of basically be verbal war and felt uncomfortable.

TRAnders :

Actually i didnt ram . I stopped the car to roadblock you . Then you just drive through it . And place it in garage and DC . Thats not going on with RP . And you can blackmail me on report what you want . But you dont have proof. And you already reacted to my statment is proof that it happend so yeah .

Merry Xmas

Report Approved. Awaiting Ban-action as of  25/12/14 - Admin Vacatio. 

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