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This kind of roleplay should be against the rules.

Please don't spread false information out of bigotry and ego-related drama. It's an ill wind that blows no good

PS. We can't accomplish all that we need to do without working together

- Mike

Everyone's as bad as each other, seen it from both sides. It will never change unless rules are changed so stop bitching and get on with it.
This, I suppose.

My main point is that the police is completely a supporting role, we're taught to give civs a good time by turning the odd blind eye or acting dumb so you guys can play on without getting thrown in jail or something like this cause lets face it that's no fun for anyone when you're being ticketed and restrained constantly. Good RP is rewarded with leniency - so maybe snipers should be high on the list of budget cuts.

I'm not saying police are perfect - far from it but it's a learning process and will take much time - a little leeway would be really appreciated from time to time. Again let me say this isnt a personal dig or 'bitching', just my two cents cause I'm a self entitled prick. Peace love and unity x

those that snipe every time, cant RP, literally... 

Sad thing is they're usually very capable of good RP but I guess it's much easier when you can have your way from a forward OP in the hills somewhere

I'm new to Altis Life and i've been executed a couple of times this week. Robbed then shot a couple of seconds later. Sure it was RP but it's pretty pointless executing a lowly semi-hobo. It sure ain't fun, you might as well crash your truck into a wall, would be more enjoyable.

Yesterday, me and one of the CSO's encounterd rebels that after i restraint him said: "Unrestrain me now, or else you will be killed", then bang, I was dead. This matter is already resolved in TS, but this kind of gameplay sould stop before getting to much out of hand.
