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The prodical Son returns


Well-known member
'S happening!

So, Word reached the mainland about my homeboy @Voltz doing well for himself, so i hopped on a plane to come and have a gander at a place i once called home. Who knows, i may even stay for a while. We shall see ;).

To those who do not know me, hi there, i'm noddy, feel free to say 'ello. i don't bite too much.

It's good to be back

Welcome back, make sure you re-read the rules as there have been recent rule changes and I hope to see you in RP.

Welcome back @noddy! I haven't done too bad to be fair, but still good to see you back!


my main guy is back give him a warm welcome and and awesome person to be around 

wha t the fuck,? kavala, heres yer ci
Not sure i'd be the man for that position anymore haha, i like to think i did an alright job whilst i was there though <3

Thanks for the welcoming back guys ^^
