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Just been dicking about in the editor and started to have a play around with the stomper.

How come you police don't use it more? It's basically industructable and even if gangs took control of it they'd need the terminal (which they cant use) to do anything with it. - With the same protection that hunters get it would be rare gangs eer actually did get ahold of them.

It's so powerful, just going up to weed processing hills for example and just searching them..

So yea just wondering how come it isnt used?

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In the entire time I've been in the Police - I've seen it be used twice. One time for an RP bomb situation on Kavala bridge, and the second time being during an FTC I was conducting and I used it as an illegal vehicle.

I agree, it should be used more. But perhaps people just dont see any situation that it's actually going to be useful in.
Check the weed field/processing? I'd prefer to stay 3000m away using a thermal camera with India-99, instead of driving right close up with a slow stomper?
Just my thought.

In the entire time I've been in the Police - I've seen it be used twice. One time for an RP bomb situation on Kavala bridge, and the second time being during an FTC I was conducting and I used it as an illegal vehicle.

I agree, it should be used more. But perhaps people just dont see any situation that it's actually going to be useful in.
Check the weed field/processing? I'd prefer to stay 3000m away using a thermal camera with India-99, instead of driving right close up with a slow stomper?
Just my thought.
poor scenario from me. 

Hostage situations,  somewhere where thermals can't be picked up.

I had the honor of being in a stomper for an hostage exchange on kavala beach it was an excellent idea of SI Droge worst


poor scenario from me. 

Hostage situations,  somewhere where thermals can't be picked up.
That could be useful. Yeah, perhaps it's something that needs to be brought up in a Police Meeting! :)

we need to use it waay more for hostage retrievals and stuff, its sad they dont get used at all. Thing is its AR only...
it's hard because you need a terminal for it. That would mean whitelisting for NIU /NPAS/AR .. but even then surely ar or npas should use it 

Think you've got a very good point with it being used for Hostage operations as a way to safely extract a person from the situation. I imagine the reason it's not used much at the moment is people (like myself) just imagined someone in the passenger seat getting shot at very easily...but having it for bombs and hostages...that's funky

it's hard because you need a terminal for it. That would mean whitelisting for NIU /NPAS/AR .. but even then surely ar or npas should use it 
no need for whitelisting as NPAS and NIU already have access to the terminal. Would be great to retrive hostages and bomb threats. Would be nice to get a few new things for npas.

no need for whitelisting as NPAS and NIU already have access to the terminal. Would be great to retrive hostages and bomb threats. Would be nice to get a few new things for npas.
right re read what I wrote. If you were to have people who were trained for it they'd need to be whitelisted in one of the units. .

Or simply give everyone access in the police and just trust them, same thing works for NPAS and MPU, many have access to things they can't use until trained.

every officer above PC has access to the UAV terminal, but i agree. It would be awesome to have a training to allow other officers to use the stomper.

I remember Neo took me for a ride in one, took me to Kavala HQ where SI Fry planted marijuana on me and arrested me...
