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seems to be an invisible barrier at drive thru

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Barry Bones

Active member
Steam ID: 76561198407358437

Character ID: --

When did this happen: 02/20/24

Summary: seems to be an invisible barrier at drive thru

Full Description:
Basically I have been shifting trucks into the car park as of the last few days at Up-n-Atom moving food etc. Whilst doing this I have realized that my pounder and packer have hit some sort of invisible wall on the side of the building that does not seem to be there in my eyes. I have been driving my cars in and out of there with no problems at all so seems to be with the bigger trucks/cargo.

The first link is just a pc that was high up on the building at the same side. the light appears to be detached from the building and I don't know whether this could potentially be causing this issue.

Within the clip below you can see an example of me trying to drive my pounder out and it hitting what appears to be this invisible barrier.

Images / Video's


Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


Locked & Moved to Solved
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