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Reverend's Gaming Rig.


Retired Troll. Human. Not religious. Occasionally
Lincolnshire, UK
Hey guys! 

I was going to wait until my new gaming keyboard arrived but I decided it's cool, I can always add more pics after. (Not used the Xbox in a few months - LOL) So here's my beast:


My gaming room:


Check that beasty MoBo and GPU:


Recently beefed up the cooling to accomodate the beasty GPU and my Pentium 2 CPU:


The other side of my gaming room. I know, I know... I wear Crocs to game. They are comfy, OK!!


So there you have it! I'm not really into the whole bragging rights thing so I held off posting pics of my gaming setup... Everyone seems to think that if you have a dedicated gaming room then you must be posh but I've shown that even on a reasonably moderate budget you can create the perfect man cave gaming environment. 

Lots of love,

Rev. xx

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Great until i saw the Xbox 360 you scrub
Hey, we all own a console we're ashamed of. I'm part of the PC gaming master race now though! 

Love the piss in a bottle

Pissing = Less RP

Piss bottle = More RP
You don't wanna see what's in the cardboard boxes to the left. (Just out of shot.) - Toilet breaks seriously restrict RP ability. My RP level = Master.

Ultimate Gaming Cave..
- Don't hate the player, hate the game! 

I suspect @unconnected is going to shit a kitten out of jealousy when he realises that his gaming setup has been eclipsed. Sorry mate. 

I laughed, then cried, then sat in contemplative silence.

But seriously I like the fact that in the first picture is another picture of the living conditions. This kind of setup takes a dedication few can match.

I am in awe.

Why didnt I expect this? And why did I put my sandwich on my computer whilst looking at this? Ill start a comp-request for one ruined tuna sandwich... thank you Rev!

I laughed, then cried, then sat in contemplative silence.

But seriously I like the fact that in the first picture is another picture of the living conditions. This kind of setup takes a dedication few can match.

I am in awe.
Hey, if you want to donate your old gaming rig, you know I'll look after it. I like to keep things in pristine condition. I can offer £2.47 and half a pouch of baccy. (Bit dry.) 

Also, name you number on bottles of piss, I have loads. 
