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Report a player - unknown - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Donny Donald

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: unknown

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 01/24/24

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2300

What best describes this incident ?: exploting

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Short and simple - Azteca's went to push the lost mc club house. 3 went down and 2 were picked up in a manner I believe is exploiting (through closed door, at distance whilst aiming in or through a wall). I have no session ID so I couldn't call the person to liaison and after the length of the situation I logged off. Two videos showing POV from inside.

Happy for staff to ping the IDs here and see POVs from the other side to eliminate the possibility of exploit posted on here with a chat in liaison.


Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Hello @RaviI believe this is you who picked the player up shown in the footage provided, would you like to explain?

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


Hello Donny,

It's a shame it came straight to a report. You could have asked in OOC for any of the Aztecas present to come to liaison and I believe this could have all been sorted very quickly. I'll reply here as I picked up Larry.

Having had a look through the evidence you provided it looks as though the door was closed for yourself. The door was open for us on the outside after shooting numerous times, as heard in your own clip [https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/1RfnvhH4xAKEha/bIPBQha8ISy4?invite=cr-MSxCM1EsMTY0NTc0MjU1LA] at 30 seconds "they just keep shooting door".

At 48 seconds into the clip, you can clearly hear a revolver shot go off at the door, followed by a second shot at 1:27 which is 20 seconds before I manage to grab Larry. At 1:44 (between my second shot and me grabbing Larry) a conversation can be heard on your radio. I can only assume this is someone on the outside giving comms but he informs all of you "there's one trying to peak the door" - this was again myself.

I would also like to add that at 1:44 in the clip when you are told I am trying to peak the door I was right in the door way. Unfortunately you don't see this due to the door being closed for yourself but that put me in a position where I could grab Larry by the ankle and drag him out (putting me in carry range). If I had known the door was closed for those inside then I obviously wouldn't have attempted to pick up Larry. Everyone inside knew we were shooting at the door, if someone had informed us in the OOC chat that the door wasn't opening for yourselves despite all the shooting at it I feel as though this whole thing could have been avoided.

Unfortunately, I have no clip of this as again for me and all the other Aztecas outside the door was open so I saw no reason to clip it.

If this is still something you would like to liaise over I would be more than happy to go into liaison with you just let me know when.

Thanks for Joining me in liaison as we agreed earlier.

As you said in the liaison you picked up the person closest to the door as you edged forward slowly to try and grab him after shooting open the door. I can somewhat understand you on this but again and how it might have worked but still at a distance and like I said found it a rather cheap way to go about it. This couple with the fact that the first person in was only carrying a knife knowing the risk they may have to respawn to cause a distraction and as such to not lose any weapons if they did had to respawn and the other two who were taken in the end had guns on them which seemed like the priority to me rather than preserving any form of possible roleplay avenues.

As mentioned in the liaison I'm more concerned with the person who you said isn't you that picked up the person that was a fair distance away, I believe fully exploiting the pickup mechanic.

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Lastly as we spoke about in liaison you said you have no pov and that the video corrupted when trying to edit the clip. You sent me a screenshot showing a clearly edited clip directly to my DMs being: 
 I can understand having used medal that its a pretty poor tool and that videos do corrupt frequently but again the SS shows a edited clip which you managed to grab a SS of but apparently has since corrupted. Now what I find suspicious about that is you deleted the image from our DMs? It does make me feel like you are trying to hide something.

I am more concerned about the person furthest away from the door being picked up at that distance which you said wasn't you.

As such and as much as I appreciated our chat in liaison I will be leaving this open as I do not believe this is the intended use of the tool especially in situations like this.

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I was one of the individuals down inside and had a good view of everything.

The door was being opened repeatedly by the gunfire. The two bodies that were picked up were very close to the doorway, I didn't get picked up because I wasn't close to the doorway. The way bodies land depends on a number of factors and their positions can vary person to person, what you saw isn't what I and others saw, it's unfortunate but it is what it is.

The report you linked is not at all like this one.

I was able to see all activity in the compound outside, for me personally the door was closed both times when the downed people were grabbed, unfortunately I can’t provide a POV due to having issues with Medal, let’s be real here, the clubhouse was armed to the teeth with lost members aiming guns at the door, both times people were grabbed not one azteca showed any form of RP what so ever, simply run up to the door and spam /carry. If anything it’s just abusing a game mechanic to your advantage This is what I saw from my POV anyway. Cheers 🙂

I was able to see all activity in the compound outside, for me personally the door was closed both times when the downed people were grabbed
What you've said just further backs up what has been said by others here, if you were outside and saw everything then you must've seen the doors get shot open. If they weren't open for you then surely that points to desync. What do you think people were shooting at in all the clips that have been provided? An unlocked door when shot at swings open, just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. We all know that desync plays a major part in incidents like this, I don't know why you're pretending this is black and white when it isn't. 

not one azteca showed any form of RP what so ever
If you wanted to see more roleplay maybe you should have attempted an interaction instead of sitting far away. We can't roleplay with you when you choose not to interact with us.

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No
I also very much appreciate you deciding not to liaise with us directly and instead deciding to wait until most of us can no longer clip our side. If you had told us beforehand that you had an issue we could've clipped the situation, instead you post on the forums with clips that misrepresent what I and the others saw. Cheers.

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You must be joking, trying to interact with you lot would just involve us being shot, there’s no interaction possible when you guys do this, if we walked outside with our hands up we would’ve been shot, you can deny it all you want but at the end of the day you guys are just here to frag and that’s it. 

@Raviis there a reason why you said you didn’t have any footage of this situation, yet you provided a screenshot that was taken from medal clearly showing you have footage?

@HammieWhat a silly thing to say. I could claim that the Lost MC only play this server to hold power over people just trying to have a good time, doing so to inflate their already large egos. You see how comments like this aren't helpful? Respond to my points so we can continue the discussion or shut up because spewing false vitriol just makes you look like a tool.

On multiple occasions we have given the Lost opportunity to have further roleplay interactions. Countless in person meetings, phone calls and hostage releases. To claim here that all we do is "frag" is another attempt at you trying to label us as something that we're not in order to shift this report in the direction you want. 

Nah mate I’m just telling the truth, yet when your told this you just say some bullshit to make it look like your all innocent but in reality you are just to here to frag. You can say the lost have egos all you want doesn’t defeat the fact of what I’ve just said. Do yourself a favour and don’t reply lad, let staff deal with this report. 👍

look like your all innocent but in reality you are just to here to frag
An entire group being generalised by someone I haven't interacted with once is laughable. I don't think any Azteca has spoken to you or interacted with you this whole conflict, probably due to the fact you're always watching from afar and choosing not to interact with us. Read what I put and respond to my points, or if you'd prefer, keep making sweeping statements that do nothing to further the progress towards a resolution. If you think my points are bullshit then tell me why. Acting like a tool on the forums just shows you're not here to resolve anything and just want to gain a cheap win through the abuse of the report system.

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Hi OneShot,

The reason I said I don't have footage is because I don't. It's that simple. The screenshot came from part of a session recording. After the situation(s) had ended and myself and many other Aztecas logged off the server a conversation started regarding the ooc message about the door being closed. This prompted me to go and view my session recording to get a screenshot of the door being open for the purpose of the conversation.

I opened the session recording in the editor and quickly cut a part down to a bit where the door was open. I took a screenshot at the best part I believe showed a clear view of the door being wide open. I sent the screenshot to the conversation and I then went back and looked at the session recording as a whole disregarding the door open clip. I took multiple clips from the session recording, the part where the door was open not being one of them as I explained above I felt no need to have a full clip. When I went to publish the clips I did want to take from the session everything corrupted which is becoming a more prominent issue with medal. It's known with medal that when you publish from a clip or session recording you lose the original so I have no way of going back and trying to get a clip now. Once I saw the report up I sent the screenshot that I had to Donny to show him the door was open for myself and the other Aztecas outside.

At 1:45 in the medal clip provided you are told "there is 1 trying to peak the door" which is when I was stood in a completely open door way. At 1:48 you see the door open but see no one on the other side pushing it due to the desync that was happening [https://gyazo.com/5cbc418edadb4baea5b5f47eb539a31d] [https://gyazo.com/e4656eeff7862316b363e8242e671e20]. I then grab Larry who is closer to the door than the wall.

I think what's happened here is a terrible case of desync which we all know is client side as it has been explained many times. The door was shot open many times, including by myself less than 30 seconds before I grabbed Larry and you can very clearly hear the revolver shots at the door. Had ANY of the members inside the building informed us prior to us grabbing anyone that the door wasn't opening for them, which I believe they had ample opportunity to do, then I believe this whole thing could have been avoided. Instead, they waited until after Larry was grabbed to send a message in ooc chat and then not even bother to ask anyone to liaise about it, giving none of the other Aztecas an opportunity to grab a clip from their POV to further prove that it was open for us. They claim they had no session ID so couldn't ask to liaise yet if they had requested for Aztecas in general they would have had a few members come to a liaison that would have been able to clip their side for them and everyone knows this. The fact of the matter is at no point did I exploit to get Larry. The door was wide open for myself (as shown in the screenshot) as well as all the other Aztecas that were outside.

@RaviYou mentioned that you have taken multiple clips and they all corrupted, with my experience with medal the corrupted clips in your library should stay there, would you be able to screenshot of the multiple corrupted clips for us?

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@Ravi You mentioned that you have made clips from the session footage and when publishing those clips it corrupted, the full session footage should be fine and not corrupted. When trimming a clip on Medal, all it does it make a local copy of said clip, which you can then edit, and/or publish. This local clip does not affect the original session footage outside of manual deletion.

Do you still have this footage?

Hello OneShot,

Thank you for your replies.

The issue is I had no indication that these clips were going to be needed. Nothing, not a word was said to me after or to any Azteca. After most sessions I delete the recording as do a lot of people as some of these session recordings can take up a considerable amount of data. There was no reason for me to keep the session recording after I got the clips I wanted so I got rid, which is what most people do. After deleting the session recording is when I tried to watch the clips I got from it and they had all corrupted so I got rid of those too. Again, I had no reason to keep clips I couldn't view/do anything with and I no longer had the session recording to be able to go back and try again.

I have since been informed that there is a setting you can use on medal that sends deleted items to your recycle bin instead of them being permanently deleted, allowing for possible restoration. A setting which I did not have turned on as I had no idea it existed but have since turned on to prevent this same situation arising [https://gyazo.com/b6f68458839d34b7069b9fc71839a8df].

If we had been told sooner then I could have had multiple points of view clipped and ready to show you here. Like Ernie said previously, if we had been told at the time then we could have shut this down instantly but we weren't told. Why were weren't told I don't know, but it's hard not to be frustrated and feel hard done by when it's clearly been kept from us for whatever reason. I don't see any reason as to why a liaison wasn't called.

For the record, you cannot carry people through walls, especially those at the compound. It is impossible and verifiably so. Disregarding opinions and what people say in here, you can not pick someone up unless they are in range of your carry and it is impossible for the carry range to travel through solid walls. Ernie wasn't picked up because he was too far in and those that were picked up were in the doorway, there's nothing more too it.

Sorry for the long response, I have been busy lately,

@RaviI think its fair to say that there are some discrepancies through out this report, there are some areas where you hold short of covering yourself by not holding onto these clips that could of proven your innocence. There are bits and pieces that you have lacked to prove your innocence throughout your responses.

You have fallen short as in your initial reply you mentioned that you didn't feel a need to clip it because the door was open for you, a screenshot was provided from yourself of you having a clip from medal that was posted in a chat. This is were we see things not adding up,

After this screenshot was forwarded to us, you have said that you have tried taking clips of this situation but the clips have corrupted when trying to upload them. When asked about the full unedited footage you made it clear that you deleted the recording from this session stating that you didn't think you needed them.

Unfortunately, you have fallen short to prove your innocence other than a screenshot that looks like its from a coloring book and footage that you have deleted. We are unsure what the reason for you to delete this footage is but if someone has accused you of exploiting and you clearly had this footage at the time of these accusations its best to keep your footage so you can prove otherwise.

In this circumstance as well as every other report we have to go with the evidence that is laid out on front of us, which is the footage showing two different POVs and the door closed with you picking the player up through the door.

Here is a similar report that was ruled in the past of how we are policing this going forward,

Action Taken

CharID: 63641 ( @Ravi)

Rule: C2.2

Duration: Permanent (Refer to unban appeal conditions)

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