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Report a Player - The British Government - The EU Vote.


West Midlands, UK

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The British Government

Date of the incident


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Poor/Low Quality RP

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Well, I received this in the post.....

And I find this the most bias piece of crap ever written....
Firstly, let's ignore the content and look at the cost....

Just under £10 MILLION! I could buy a hellcat for that...


Seriously, hire a newspaper that's prepared to ship this shit out.... probably less than 50% of that cost......

Okay now money is off the table lets look at it...

The Title
"Why the government believes that voting to remain in the European Union is the best decision for the UK"
Does it? This is news to me.... you're telling me you managed to reign in most of your own political party including the man who looks like he's just gotten out of a bush (boris johnson)....
You're telling me that you have ACTUALLY spent £10 million only giving ONE side of the argument... at least let us see a comparison.

So in this, I'm reported Poor roleplay, they've basically power-gamed the taxpayers....

The first page is a contradiction of being in the EU....

"The UK Has Secured Special Status in a reformed EU:"

Let's split this up...

"we will not join the euro" - essentially meaning we're still paying currency conversions, and as the markets change, as does our value against Europe....

"we will keep our own borders" - Except for the 330,000 that came last year....

"The UK will not be part of further european political integration" - except that's not actually in EU Law, therefore can be turned over.

"there will be tough new restrictions on access to our welfare system for new EU migrants" - What about the non-eu migrants..... oh, and not in EU law again, so can be overturned by EU Court...

"we have a commitment to reduce EU red tape" - That's like saying "I'm committed on not being a Fat Cunt", but I'll still be one according to some people.....

I'm not going further into this at the moment, but I think the government needs put down. We need FACTS, we need REAL INFORMATION on our vote....
As the leaflet says: "It's a big decision. One that will affect you, your family and your children for decades to come".

We should either be all in.


We should be all out!

Facts. We want them...

Please ban this player.

In regards to resolving this, the government changed subject by revealing our PM had a £200,000 gift from his dear mommy..... so could not resolved.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


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Your In-game name


Name of the player(s) you are reporting

The British Government

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1
Server 2
Server 3

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Well, I received this in the post.....

And I find this the most bias piece of crap ever written....
Firstly, let's ignore the content and look at the cost....


In regards to resolving this, the government changed subject by revealing our PM had a £200,000 gift from his dear mommy..... so could not resolved.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)


This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)

Ban issued, no chance for appeal.

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I totally agree to this banning, I know I'm not meant to speak on peoples reports but I just hope that the people of Britain see sense and do vote to be removed from the cancer that is EU.

The UK pay's around £55 million a DAY to stay in the EU or £13 Billion a year and from 1973 when we joined we spend a staggering £500 billion on membership fee's.

To fully train a doctor it costs the NHS around £650k; To train a nurse it costs around £70k-140k

To build a hospital it costs around £500mil, In essence we could build 1 hospital every 2 weeks and still have money from it to have some doctors and nurses, THATS THE TRUE COST OF BEING IN THE EU MARKET.

I could go on but yeah I very much want out of the EU.

P.S sorry for replying that is not about me. XD

I...I don't know what's happening anymore.

Is the account made by an admin for fun purpose or is a troll...I am lost boys..

Well, I for one and 100% behind Britain staying in the EU.
If Britain thinks that right now, with the economy as it is, that isolating itself is the right way to go, then.. well, we'd be fools right?

So I'll be expecting an unban appeal right away!

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Well, I for one and 100% behind Britain staying in the EU.
If Britain thinks that right now, with the economy as it is, that isolating itself is the right way to go, then.. well, we'd be fools right?

So I'll be expecting an unban appeal right away!
but we already isolated ourselves...

My issue isn't the vote, it's how the government is going about it....

No Euro.....

Closed borders

we go against everything the EU is...

What the people really want, is the EEA and not the EU.

Moving this to general discussion, because it is interesting...

People's expressions are their views and opinions and not representing their entire nation.


but we already isolated ourselves...

My issue isn't the vote, it's how the government is going about it....

No Euro.....

Closed borders

we go against everything the EU is...

What the people really want, is the EEA and not the EU.

Moving this to general discussion, because it is interesting...

People's expressions are their views and opinions and not representing their entire nation.

Too much argument.... Think I'm going to go play football with a bunch of my friends who'd most likely be deported if we left the EU and drink some wine which would no doubt increase in price from the UK leaving the EU as its doubtful that we'd get the same economic advantages in being in the EEA alone (if we can even negotiate a good deal in the EEA). Sounds like an argument, but sadly it's most likely to just be the truth.

Too much uncertainty if we left the EU, and you know what's FANTASTIC for national economies, the thing that's almost 'guaranteed' to help it improve?... Uncertainty. 

Is life in the UK really so bad at the moment? That we need to do something as drastic as leave the EU? I think not.

If the combined forces of the leader of the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat (Lets even add in the SNP) say we should stay in the EU.. maybe we should? And who leads the line for the Anti-EU campaign? Borris "I'm a complete fucking bafoon" Johnson? The Donald Trump of the UK?

It's not a complicated decision really.

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Too much argument.... Think I'm going to go play football with a bunch of my friends who'd most likely be deported if we left the EU and drink some wine which would no doubt increase in price from the UK leaving the EU as its doubtful that we'd get the same economic advantages in being in the EEA alone (if we can even negotiate a good deal in the EEA). Sounds like an argument, but sadly it's most likely to just be the truth.

Too much uncertainty if we left the EU, and you know what's FANTASTIC for national economies, the thing that's almost 'guaranteed' to help it improve?... Uncertainty. Is life in the UK really so bad at the moment? That we need to do something as drastic as leave the EU? I think not.

If the combined forces of the leader of the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat (Lets even add in the SNP) say we should stay in the EU.. maybe we should? And who leads the line for the Anti-EU campaign? Borris "I'm a complete fucking bafoon" Johnson? The Donald Trump of the UK?

It's not a complicated decision really.
Very well said Mycaelis 

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Is life in the UK really so bad at the moment? That we need to do something as drastic as leave the EU? I think not.
I don't know where you live but if you come to my town, I would say 90% of British people would say they want out of the EU to close off the immigrant flood that happened over last ten years. 6 years ago when I moved here I settled into a nice area with good schools and a reasonable hospital, Now you can't go more than a month without hearing of someone being killed/beaten up/sexual assaulted, The crime stats for my area are not lieing when violent crime and antisocial behavior has gone up in last 10 years almost 20 fold.

Sure the EU immigrants have provided some extra work force and about 20% of them work damn hard the majority of them go out get pissed, have a fight and just cause a fuss.

If I were the voting type I'd certainly want to stay. I believe we are all one species, sharing one rock in space. The sooner we man up and act like one group of people the better. One world, one people, one flag, one 'government'. Free movement across the globe, and free trade without borders. Come together and share the love.

But that is just a (stupid and childish) dream. In reality, I fully expect we will keep isolating ourselves and keep up this 'us vs them' charade until the water runs out.

So, as usual, I'll kick back, flick on the news, and laugh in despair at the tragic comedy that is life. You guys get on with it, I'll watch the show.

I cant actually decide...

My main point of this, is it's not slated as facts...

and if we stay, why are we segregating ourselves.... isn't 1 currency better in the long run?

The other side also depends on where you live...

in the country, you don't see much of it.

I live Near birmingham...

Fact: I'm the only british person on my street...... a street of over 100 houses.....

You know what... 90% work, 10% are too old to work....

but there are other areas, where they turn to crime... or camping on public fields, or attempt to sponge the benefits....

The main fact is, certainty... 

If we STAY in the EU, we are certain of our position and potential prospects.

Leaving the EU is speculation at best.

I'm Dutch..

I'm in the EU.

And it's absolute shit.

Kudo's for UK giving you guys the opportunity to vote.. I wish our politicians would even DARE to give us the opportunity to vote. But they don't.

I don't know where you live but if you come to my town, I would say 90% of British people would say they want out of the EU to close off the immigrant flood that happened over last ten years. 6 years ago when I moved here I settled into a nice area with good schools and a reasonable hospital, Now you can't go more than a month without hearing of someone being killed/beaten up/sexual assaulted, The crime stats for my area are not lieing when violent crime and antisocial behavior has gone up in last 10 years almost 20 fold.

Sure the EU immigrants have provided some extra work force and about 20% of them work damn hard the majority of them go out get pissed, have a fight and just cause a fuss.
And are those crimes all related to foreign nationals? I doubt it.
The problem with generalisations is they hide the real problem, using a scapegoat like immigration is the easiest method.
I would love the see proper statistics on the culprits of these crimes before I resort to just blaming foreigners.

Personally I think the problem is Britain itself, this is a huge argument in itself, and to be honest, I'm far too tired to explain in full, but suffice to say, we live in the modern world now, and I still feel that Britain is 2 generations behind all these social changes, especially the government and UK policies.
I think we're not developing properly and quickly enough as a society to deal with these ever increasing influx of changes in the modern world.

As South Park once so beautifully demonstrated, it's ever so easy to pick on a scape goat rather than take a deep hard look at what I feel is the real root cause of our issues as a nation, and try and work to fix them.

