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Report a player - Cory, Connah - Altis Life

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United Kingdom
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: El Antonio

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Cory, Connah

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 06/20/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 25

What best describes this incident ?: VDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I recently left the crew Volatile. They then proceeded to target us from my point of view, in various ways. We wanted to then hang around in Kavala as that's where people were. They proceeded to give us abuse in various ways. We proceeded to do what we wanted to do, seeing no issue but received abuse from them verbally. Then they started to VDM us which I was not going to stand for and quite clearly was not accidental. I proceeded by recording it and then put it together in the evidence video bellow. Not much more is to be said due to the situation and reason for this report.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):
This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Time was 0:25

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: El Antonio

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Cory, Connah

Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life

Date of the incident: 06/20/21

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 25

What best describes this incident ?: VDM

Please (in detail) describe the incident: I recently left the crew Volatile. They then proceeded to target us from my point of view, in various ways. We wanted to then hang around in Kavala as that's where people were. They proceeded to give us abuse in various ways. We proceeded to do what we wanted to do, seeing no issue but received abuse from them verbally. Then they started to VDM us which I was not going to stand for and quite clearly was not accidental. I proceeded by recording it and then put it together in the evidence video bellow. Not much more is to be said due to the situation and reason for this report.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

Time was 0:25
He did not try to sort things out in liaison he did not want too listen to what we had to say he just wanted to get his point across so he could make this report .The video of me in the pink ifrit shows JOSH standing IN THE ROAD!!!! as u can at a certain point I did try to turn but it was too late (I was on my phone at the time) .This BTW is a revenge report we kicked him from the gang due to him constantly RDMing us and him not taking part in gang events .Earlier today he combat logged in a situation should have a clip if need .Seems like he is tryna get us banned before we could report him.

It does not show the context of the situation, we were in the same teamspeak together. This is a revenge report as we were in the same gang together.

He did not try to sort things out in liaison he did not want too listen to what we had to say he just wanted to get his point across so he could make this report .The video of me in the pink ifrit shows JOSH standing IN THE ROAD!!!! as u can at a certain point I did try to turn but it was too late (I was on my phone at the time) .This BTW is a revenge report we kicked him from the gang due to him constantly RDMing us and him not taking part in gang events .Earlier today he combat logged in a situation should have a clip if need .Seems like he is tryna get us banned before we could report him.
This would be the case, but you got toxic and I was not able to speak. So I did try, but you did not allow me to talk.

It does not show the context of the situation, we were in the same teamspeak together. This is a revenge report as we were in the same gang together.
Revenge report for what? CRIMZON offered an invite back to the gang, and I said no. Not a revenge report. If you keep VDMing people for no reason of course they will do something about it.

He did not try to sort things out in liaison he did not want too listen to what we had to say he just wanted to get his point across so he could make this report .The video of me in the pink ifrit shows JOSH standing IN THE ROAD!!!! as u can at a certain point I did try to turn but it was too late (I was on my phone at the time) .This BTW is a revenge report we kicked him from the gang due to him constantly RDMing us and him not taking part in gang events .Earlier today he combat logged in a situation should have a clip if need .Seems like he is tryna get us banned before we could report him.
Also, I never RDMed you. If you could show me a clip of me RDMing you, that would be nice. Storm was also at the situation, and I asked everyone in my gang if I should report or not, and if it was report worthy, after popular belief that it was clear VDM, and annoyed all of us, we made the decision to post it, after trying to politely resolve in liaison.  Liaison did not go well, because I was just shouted at the whole time. You then proceeded to threaten me with stuff I apparently did to stop me from posting the report. 

By "and annoyed all of us" I am referring to the VDMing of crew members.

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We literally went to liason and we talked and you said its not really to do with me.
It was. I just said I was not bothered about the leaving the crew part and then both of you started getting angry at me and not allowing me to speak, at that point I then left the liaison as I was not able to get my point across neither any explanation, as everything I would try to say I would get cut off or spoken over.

I was not angry, I was peaceful and I wanted to talk to you but you left.
It did not come across that way, I was being spoken over by both of you. Also, your first statement is It does not show the context of the situation, "we were in the same teamspeak together.". This is wrong, unless I am not getting what you meant by it. I was sitting in lobby channel on the teamspeak. I was not talking to you in teamspeak at the time, but I was speaking to fellow German Mafia members. Also, "This is a revenge report as we were in the same gang together.", is this referring to the time you VDM'd me or the few nights ago?

No idea what your talking about? You were literally different in teamspeak talking to me. You are just talking lies now. 

No idea what your talking about? You were literally different in teamspeak talking to me. You are just talking lies now. 
If you can find any way to prove this, I'd like to see it. Are you saying the time you VDM'd me, I was talking to you in the teamspeak?

as u can at a certain point I did try to turn but it was too late (I was on my phone at the time)
Also, quite clearly the first clip of you, you turned towards me.

You literally at 30 seconds run into the road so you will be hit stop tryna get me banned because you are upset you got kicked out of the gang!

At 10 seconds u can also clearly see me and Cory having an ifrit race while u stand in the road ,Braking would cause me too swerve ,Turning would cause a high speed crash!

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You literally at 30 seconds run into the road so you will be hit stop tryna get me banned because you are upset you got kicked out of the gang!

At 10 seconds u can also clearly see me and Cory having an ifrit race while u stand in the road ,Braking would cause me too swerve ,Turning would cause a high speed crash!
Unfortunately, I was not upset about *leaving* the gang. Also "run into the road" is slightly extreme, I was about an inch from the sidewalk. At 10 seconds you turned towards me. It's quite clear it was purposeful, although can be unclear to some people. The last few days you've had a personal hate for me, giving you a lot of reason to break the rules to annoy me. I will leave it for the admin to decide what the intention of this was, and will only respond to important questions regarding this report.

Tends to happen when you RDM people all the time

Would you also like to explain why my Ifrit was scrapped when it was in a green zone?

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Tends to happen when you RDM people all the time

Would you also like to explain why my Ifrit was scrapped when it was in a green zone?
I would like to know about me "RDM people all the time". 

Also unaware your Ifrit was scrapped. If you can figure out who did it that would be nice, instead of blaming the first person you think it could be.
If you claim that I RDM people all the time, some evidence to back up this claim would be nice.

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Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!



There is not a single doubt in my mind that this is completely blatant VDM from both of you @Connahh @Logan Jackson

@ConnahhThere are two separate clips of you running over Josh in this video. Yes he may have been in the road however coming to the conclusion that using players as bowling pins because they are standing on a road is baffling. If an attempt was made to avoid sending him to oblivion then fair play, but this quite clearly was not the case. You will be receiving a 1 day temporary ban as a result of this.

@Logan Jackson All together you ran over 5 players in this video. I think that speaks for itself. You will be receiving a 7 day temporary ban.

Thank you for your report.

Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean.

Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player.

If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.


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