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Report a Player - [AFM] Jamaal - Poor/Low Quality RP (Report Rejected)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name

Jeff Bezos

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[AFM] Jamaal

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 2

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Two of my gang friends we're previously shot at the black market by two guys who just initiated on them with No RP whatsoever. I then made my way towards the black market alone to see what was going on (Not to attempt to kill them). As soon as I arrive I drive past and then come back around and say words to the effect of "Hey guys I'm friendly!" and the first response I get is "Get out the car or your vehicle will be disabled" or some initiation of that sort. To me this is a ROLEPLAY server, not a frag server so me approaching them in all attempts RP its so poor to me that all there is, is just initiation. I then attempt to flee whilst still saying Im friendly and then they shoot me and my vehicle (No rule break here totally allowed). A gunfight happened and I died, I then asked the guys involved to teamspeak to discuss it. They seemed certain that what they did was totally fine and showed no remorse or apologized in any way. Poor RP is obviously to an extent subjective but to me, if I'm rolling up to people and saying I'm friendly and all I get are threats to kill / disable a vehicle where is the chance to RP there? The video shows I was not involved in any type of gunfight nor had they seen me with any sort of weapon as I never exited my vehicle. I was genuinely there to RP and got nothing in return.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Ok, so in this situation you claim that I am fail rping when i was on high alert due to it being a active gunfight and you turning around in a black SUV then driving up the side if the dirt to yell through your car (direct chat is very bad when inside cars you should know this as a police officer), as it was a active gunfight I asked you to step out of the car to prove that you were not a threat, I threatened to disable the car to stop you driving off, you claim that saying for you to get out of the SUV was making there no room for roleplay but if you got out of the SUV i would have been able to roleplay better then in the car, you then drive off and shoot and kill lunar beats first, if you were told to get out or your car would be fired apon, you then got out and killed our guy, yet you claimed your intent was not to kill anyone so why didn't you just get out of the car or drive off? Using the quote "Not to attempt to kill them" from your source you have contradicted yourself in the proof video because you make an obvious attempt to kill one of us first. Furthermore; when we was in the Lobby speaking to you about the situation you decided to give up your case by leaving the room mid conversation which was very unprofessional and childish of you. 

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Ok, so in this situation you claim that I am fail rping when i was on high alert due to it being a active gunfight and you turning around in a black SUV 
I was not involved in this gunfight therefore that has no real claim here, also theres nothing wrong with turning up in a black SUV?

yell through your car (direct chat is very bad when inside cars you should know this as a police officer), as it was a active gunfight I asked you to step out of the car to prove that you were not a threat, 
Yes direct chat in cars is bad but not bad enough for you to hear me, I was right next to you. 

If you had said "Can you just step out of the car" to prove that I wasn't hostile this report would of never made it as that would be ok and we could continue with roleplay however that's NOT what you said. You said "Get out of the car or I'm disabling your vehicle" which is not the same as your threating me and my vehicle before RPing at all. 

, you then drive off and shoot and kill lunar beats first, if you were told to get out or your car would be fired apon, you then got out and killed our guy, yet you claimed your intent was not to kill anyone so why didn't you just get out of the car or drive off? 
If you threaten my life I will protect it. The RP stops when you open fire on me and my vehicle. My INITIAL intent was to find out what was going on not to get a gunfight, that's why I said I was friendly. 

Using the quote "Not to attempt to kill them" from your source you have contradicted yourself in the proof video because you make an obvious attempt to kill one of us first.
I wasn't attempting to kill you in the first place but defending my life is my priority. No contradiction here. 

 Furthermore; when we was in the Lobby speaking to you about the situation you decided to give up your case by leaving the room mid conversation which was very unprofessional and childish of you. 
No. I tried to explain and 6 of you jumped in the room and was talking over me so I decided to leave it as you didn't want to resolve it. Please use correct facts and don't slander me for things I didn't do.

To conclude, everything I said is of course my opinion and I think the way you handled it was very poor and there was no RP at all  which I dont expect coming from an RP community. 

I'll now await staff decision 

I will keep this very simple, as the situation itself is very simple. 
You were given multiple opportunities to step out of the car or your vehicle would be shoot at or car getting disabled.  You then choose to drive away forcing the hand of the other party involved. It was then your choice to take the first life. This decision stopped all further roleplay opportunities dead in its tracks as you left the other party no other choice to take your life.

Ultimately the decision you took, ended this situation with you losing out on any roleplay that could have been given. Why, because we are not able to tell what roleplay they were going to give because you choose the route that would lead you to be shot at. 

One thing we have to remember sometimes the roleplay we are given is not what we want. This is sometimes because we have made the wrong choices along the way.

As such this report will be rejected and no action will be taken.

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