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Report a player - 736 Joe Bond - GTA RP

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Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
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Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Leo Brown

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 736 Joe Bond

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 09/29/23

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2200

What best describes this incident ?: C2.2, Teaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: After a shootout been hustlers and Ballas occurred Joe Bond pulls up in a red van and starts trying to take bodies he has done this almost everyday he has come and attempted to save hustler bodies and dumping Ballas bodies which I see as teaming as he is deliberately helping one side


this shows him trying to save hustlers bodies whilst mid gunfight from yesterday around 4-5pm. Now to address the exploiting as seen in the clip linked in evidence and this one here


you can see joe bond hitting myself and another Ballas to move bodies in the clip shown you can hear Bart saying I cant get him there and then joe hits him towards the opening of the fence thankfully Bart doesn't act on this and just drives off ignoring it but I see this as Joe Bond attempting to move the body towards the opening whilst down which would fall under exploiting. I didn't attempt to resolve this as its not the first time and he's done this multiple times and has been shot multiple times at gun fights whilst trying to save people.

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: No

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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lol? ty for report i guess homie. you literally rang my character in game yesterday threatening me and then your surprised that when good old joe bond has a chance to hit you with no repercussions he does? you must be crazy if you think joe bond wouldn't take that chance. i think trying to say im exploiting is a bit of a stretch pal, sounds like your just a bit upset, i just try to provide the best rp i can as gangs cannot seem to do that these days. 

you're not wrong my character is not a fan of the ballas, especially after sean shot me in the head yesterday, joe bond did not find that funny. i have tried to help ballas before, i tried to put sean in a clown van and take him to hospital but delilah shot me so after that joe bond thought no more helping the purple gang. I help most gangs tbf, i'd help mara as they give me money sometimes, i'd help apostles as they believe in god, id help aztecas because of my best mate jay rich, i probs wouldn't help grove as they shoot me with no rp but apart from that i'd help other people. but joe bond is not a fan of the ballas no more so he likes beat them up when he has the chance.

if the one man army joe bond picking up a couple bodies counts as two teams working together then sure ill hold the ban like a champ.

you seem to have ignored context in this report but its fine, mistakes happen. all good.  🙂


For context this is a similar report that i have found in which the person was perma banned for exploiting

thanks for that leo. im glad you went to find a 2 year old report to try take old joe bond down but as we all know context is key and every situation is different. if we really wanna get into the exploiting part then i guess you would know tbf considering you were permed for it, but hey ho. if you think the context of that report is in anyway similar to this one then crikey.

I think your so focused here on losing a gun that your forgetting that there is roleplay that can take place. hitting someone when they are down is not a rule break. constantly hitting someone in the direction to either get them to fall off a cliff or towards at car is exploiting. unsure if you have watched the videos but old joe bond there was clobbering your head in with a stick while aiming towards the wall not once did I go behind you and push your body away or further towards the car. you were hit because joe doesnt like you its that simple. i hit you before any cars came around and your position didnt change at all. seems like a stretch to me buddy.

if you didnt wanna get your head clobbered by joe bond maybe you should of thought about that before you called joe and threatened to kill him. bad decisions i guess.

maybe you should try to focus your mindset on the server towards roleplay and creating a fun environment rather than just shooting and having a ego. its much more fun trust me. because my previous rp experience with you has only ever shown me you care about guns rather than having decent rp (can provide evidence of this statement btw).


Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


@assgogglesso let me get this straight? You were picking up Hustlers and taking them to hospital, and then helping other Hustlers to dump the Ballas bodies?

If not dump them, then what?

you are correct, i have taken hustlers to hospital. is that not allowed? and i have tried to take ballas to hospital before (sean glasgow to be exact) but in the process of trying I was shot by delilah, so not a fan of doing that anymore.

i have put balla into a hustler car before, is there a rule against doing that? and whatever the hustlers do with the body isnt down to me. if they dump the balla thats their choice, they probs wont listen to a homeless man trying to change their decision.

Hello all!


Stavik said it clearly here.

If you aren't on their F6, don't get involved and that means for both sides.

@assgogglesThis is a warning to you, it will not affect your FBS but it will be noted in case it happens in the future.

Your report has been dealt with, but perhaps not in the way you originally envisaged.

Whether this is beneficial or disadvantageous to you will depend entirely on the situation, and staff will have taken the most-appropriate action in the circumstances.

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