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Pro La Fam - Vehicle Rentals


Professional Mermaid
Local Vehicle Rentals

Brought to you by Pro La Fam [PLF]

Are you struggling to reach your full potential on the island? Hampered by a lack of suitable vehicle storage? Struggling to tie your coconuts to the back of your quad bike? Tired of those multiple trips just to make enough to feed your family? Not experienced enough to buy or rent the vehicles from the major retailers?​

PLF are now offering you the opportunity to rent one of its fleet of vehicles. All vehicle rentals are for the period of 1 day (Until the restart), longer rentals are available by separate negotiations.​

Our fleet is expanding every day to offer a wider range of vehicles to you our customers.​

For a limited time only we are offering damage waivers at a 50% discount. Damage waivers offers renting parties the ability to have a replacement vehicle for the remainder of the rental period for a sum equal to 25% of the rental value (usually 50%)​

All prices are prorated as per the remaining time in the day to the closest half hour.​


Hatchback: £750 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 2)


Off-road: £2000 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 8)


Truck Boxer: £10000 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 2)


Zamak: £20,000 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 2)

For inquiries contact [PLF] Captain Simon on 0800-100-100.

Terms and Condition:

The renting party is responsible for the holding of the correct licenses to allow them to drive to hired vehicle. No refunds shall be issued in any situation where Police officers remove the Vehicle from your possession for not complying with Tanoa Licensing Laws.

The renting party has all responsibility for the fuel required for the vehicle.

The renting party must obey all requests, demands and orders given by members of law enforcement.

Failure to comply with the above will result in the vehicle being removed with no refund being issued.

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For inquiries contact [PLF] Captain Simon on 0800-100-100.

Please note that [PLF] hold no responsibility for the drivers licence for parties renting vehicles.

Hello Simon, I was interested in your vehicle hire, but I rang the number and I got a very rude women asking why I rang directory enquiries to hire a vehicle.

Local Vehicle Rentals

Brought to you by Pro La Fam [PLF]

Are you struggling to reach your full potential on the island? Hampered by a lack of suitable vehicle storage? Struggling to tie your coconuts to the back of your quad bike? Tired of those multiple trips just to make enough to feed your family? Not experienced enough to buy or rent the vehicles from the major retailers?​

PLF are now offering you the opportunity to rent one of its fleet of vehicles. All vehicle rentals are for the period of 1 day (Until the restart), longer rentals are available by separate negotiations.​

Our fleet is expanding every day to offer a wider range of vehicles to you our customers.​

For a limited time only we are offering damage waivers at a 50% discount. Damage waivers offers renting parties the ability to have a replacement vehicle for the remainder of the rental period for a sum equal to 25% of the rental value (usually 50%)​


Hatchback: £2000 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 2)


Off-road: £4500 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 8)


Truck Boxer: £19000 Per day.​

(Current Stock: 2)


Zamak: £39000 Per day.​

(Current Stock: comming 21/07/2035)

For inquiries contact [PLF] Captain Simon on 0800-100-100.

Please note that [PLF] hold no responsibility for the drivers licence for parties renting vehicles.

Is it possible to rent a truck for 1 restart?

The rental is for 4 hours, a restart, as it says in the post if people are confused! 

This is a Rip off, there are a few people around the island renting vehicles for £100 - £500

Someone rented me an offroad for £400 the other day, in other words you have competition xD
We are the only ones renting out a wide range of choices. If a hobo is renting out his only offroader then it does not concern me ;)

This is a Rip off, there are a few people around the island renting vehicles for £100 - £500
We are not forcing anyone to rent anything, we have a significant fleet of vehicle that no one else on the island have. There is only 2 other people I know of that have off roads and no one that has anything with a larger trunk capacity than that. All our prices allow the renter to double there investment (Significantly more than that in the case of the off road) when working as a pair, allowing them to get their own vehicles after renting only once from us. 

The service we are offering to the people of Tanoa is available 24/7 requiring only a quick phone call, rather than running around the streets looking for some random person with a Vehicle about to go to sleep for the night. This is being run as a business with several bookings already in place for our larger vehicles. There is clearly a demand for such vehicles and when it has taken over 150 man hours from the hard working members of the PLF to ascertain these vehicles then we have the right to set our prices at the level we choose. It is at no loss to us if people choose not to rent the vehicles as we continue to earn a considerable salary from the vehicles given the number of members of our family. 

We are merely offering the chance for the people of Tanoa to enjoy more of what the island has to offer rather than working every hour they are on the island.

@Simon-Im not in any way slating your services, im just saying that your prices are a little harsh on the wallet, especially for the Boxer and Zamak...

@Simon-Im not in any way slating your services, im just saying that your prices are a little harsh on the wallet, especially for the Boxer and Zamak...
The Zamak is currently priced that way to give the members of our family priority over the vehicle (Given as it is the only one on the island), although the price still allows you to recover your invested funds and make significant profit after that with in a day (4 hour window). Prices will be reduced in time as we gain more of the vehicles. However I can confirm that we currently have confirmed bookings for the Zamak.

We prorate prices based on the time remaining in the day to allow everyone to recover costs and make money on their chosen resource. 

renting way.overpriced 

yelp review 1 star
It is interesting that it is members of the law enforcement posting illegitimate reviews of our product without even testing our product. We have had great success in our first full day of operation, with vehicles being rented by members of the police force as well as various other organisations on the island, with several booking further rental slots for different times.

@SPC Millerour lawyers will be in touch shortly with the full intention of pursuing a libel case under the Coroners and Justice Bill 2009 against you. Indications from early meetings with specialists in the area indicate you may be liable for all earnings lost as a result of this. Should you wish to resolve this before the matter reaches court contact me directly, alternatively expect to receive a court summons in the coming days.

It is interesting that it is members of the law enforcement posting illegitimate reviews of our product without even testing our product. We have had great success in our first full day of operation, with vehicles being rented by members of the police force as well as various other organisations on the island, with several booking further rental slots for different times.

@SPC Millerour lawyers will be in touch shortly with the full intention of pursuing a libel case under the Coroners and Justice Bill 2009 against you. Indications from early meetings with specialists in the area indicate you may be liable for all earnings lost as a result of this. Should you wish to resolve this before the matter reaches court contact me directly, alternatively expect to receive a court summons in the coming days.
Rekt @SPC Miller
