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Price List


Owner of Gas Trucking Company
Alright I'm kinda annoyed right now as my salt revenue is completley slashed, so maybe we should help ourselves here and post the prices for each item after the change in prices.

salt - 300

Iron - 400

copper - ?

oil - ?

diamonds - ?

heroin - ?

Coke - ?

Turtle - ?

Tuna - ?

Glass - 420

Rocks - ?

If you can add some prices for these businesses per item in that comments that would be great.

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I was gunna do the same, lost enthusiasm.

I did however get this; Glass is £420 a piece. The Sand weighs 3, you mine 5 at a time. Glass weighs 1.

Looking at ~£50,000 for a HEMMT run.

I also don't think having this as public knowledge is a good idea. Just now anyway. Having the mystery of people working the new prices out is nice. I'm only posting this 'cause I'm a bit peeved about losing so much of my time and effort.

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I know what you mean man but inreal life we would all know the prices so F**k it

Since Wilco seems to be changing the prices more rapidly than first thought, this will be hard to keep track of.

I don't understand why they have suddenly changed the ecosystem in a manner which has and will fuck everything up. They don't pay attention to the number of ecosystem topics in the suggestion forums, instead they do it their own way and effectively fuck it up for others.

In retrospect there are far more important issues you need to deal with to stable the community and server before you start messing around with economy of the server. I've noticed that the rules are in dire need of altering, great suggestions have gone unnoticed and lack of admin presence in there shows little respect for the community.

I've witnessed a popular server been completely wrecked due to a sudden change of the map and economy, people work hard for their currency and to see it be completely torn away from them without prior warning and not even discuss it first with the community before you go ahead with the changes in my words is very naive. I've seen this server grow in popularity from the past month and it seems like the server is going to fade away if you don't pay attention to your community.

I don't understand why they have suddenly changed the ecosystem in a manner which has and will fuck everything up. They don't pay attention to the number of ecosystem topics in the suggestion forums, instead they do it their own way and effectively fuck it up for others.

In retrospect there are far more important issues you need to deal with to stable the community and server before you start messing around with economy of the server. I've noticed that the rules are in dire need of altering, great suggestions have gone unnoticed and lack of admin presence in there shows little respect for the community.

I've witnessed a popular server been completely wrecked due to a sudden change of the map and economy, people work hard for their currency and to see it be completely torn away from them without prior warning and not even discuss it first with the community before you go ahead with the changes in my words is very naive. I've seen this server grow in popularity from the past month and it seems like the server is going to fade away if you don't pay attention to your community.
I could not agree more.

I've witnessed a popular server been completely wrecked due to a sudden change of the map and economy, people work hard for their currency and to see it be completely torn away from them without prior warning and not even discuss it first with the community before you go ahead with the changes in my words is very naive. I've seen this server grow in popularity from the past month and it seems like the server is going to fade away if you don't pay attention to your community.
I raise my mug of Ale to this.

I don't understand why they have suddenly changed the ecosystem in a manner which has and will fuck everything up. They don't pay attention to the number of ecosystem topics in the suggestion forums, instead they do it their own way and effectively fuck it up for others.

In retrospect there are far more important issues you need to deal with to stable the community and server before you start messing around with economy of the server. I've noticed that the rules are in dire need of altering, great suggestions have gone unnoticed and lack of admin presence in there shows little respect for the community.

I've witnessed a popular server been completely wrecked due to a sudden change of the map and economy, people work hard for their currency and to see it be completely torn away from them without prior warning and not even discuss it first with the community before you go ahead with the changes in my words is very naive. I've seen this server grow in popularity from the past month and it seems like the server is going to fade away if you don't pay attention to your community.
You couldn't be anymore right, and by the sounds of it most the community's regular players are already planning to go because of the massive impact of this change
