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Pre Gang Update


Active member
You in the Wrong Hood!

This is the pre gang update thread. Within this thread and in subsequent comments(if there are any) we hope to answer some questions you may have and layout our plans for the future of gangs within Los Santos. The layout of the thread is official gang snippets followed by features and questions.



While there is a well structured wiki for the GTAV universe covering gangs, the lore below has been ‘loosely’ based off real GTAV lore as well as written for RPUK to fit a more tailored experience to how we want the gangs to react with and co-exist with each other within our server. There is room to grow should the need arise, but these are the gangs we have catered for in the upcoming update. These gangs will have a clearly marked turf on the map as well as custom made assets, they will be soft white-listed (upper ranks only) and therefore these gangs will have to be applied for if you have the intention of running one, and yes you must be 18+ and so will anyone senior ranked and above (more below). If you and your friends see a gang that fits your style or method of roleplay, please send me your proposal via message on here.​

And we want to see you out and about in your respective gangs! ​


*Leadership: Fulfilled.  Gang has existing leadership. (reserved)

*Leadership: Vacant.   Gang is ready to be applied for.

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Ballas

 Grove street also identified as ‘Families’ Are now back to residing in their home territory, Grove street. Reclaiming their street was a victory in itself amidst their long and bitter feud with the Ballas. Although their numbers considered to be dwindling after recent events where several members were gunned down by Ballas and Vagos alike, Grove Street, identified by their green gang colours, are often seen standing around their turf involving themselves in illicit activities, they also like to park up in their green low-riders kitted out in hydraulics and are trying to find ways to get closer to the cartel. Since they are now back in their home turf, they find themselves precariously sandwiched between The Ballas new turf, and now their new enemies, The Vagos. After several Vagos members where slaughtered during the large scale gang-war between Grove and the Ballas. They have yet to find a solution to settle their differences with the yellow clad Mexicans who live next door.

Leadership: Fulfilled.

Hostile with: Grove Street

 The Ballas, most commonly known for their active feud with Grove Street members, are now residing in their new turf in Strawberry/Innocence blvd. Albeit a sore loss since losing their control of Grove street Av, they are happily operating in and out of their new properties and gang house, where they spend a lot of time ‘baking’ and mixing various auto-flowering cannabis strains to find that perfect high. Since being turfed out of Grove street post war, Identified by their purple colours, The Ballas have become amicable with The Vagos, finding mutual ground with how Grove dealt with recent events, labelling them as ‘gun-ho’ and power hungry killing whoever gets in the way regardless of alliance. Although they may come across high as kites while flashing their latest chains and cars, The Ballas are notoriously ruthless, it is rumoured they allowed Grove street to retake their cul-de-sac just so they know just where their enemy will always be. The Ballas have also recently found neutral ground with The Vagos since discovering The Azetcas have been heavily involved in arms dealing after stealing from the cartel, taking custom away from the gangs residing in the south side of the city.

Leadership: fulfilled

Hostile with: Aztecas

 Despite their street thug appearance, The Vagos are in fact closely tied with the cartel and are heavily involved in drug trafficking. They are a multinational group, with most of them being made up of illegally residing Mexicans. The Vagos have a long running feud with The Aztecas, after forcing them out of the city with their tail between their legs for underground arms deals in the south side. Identified by their yellow clothing, and calling themselves ‘The Yellow Bandits’ a large portion of the original Vagos members are now incarcerated, but their drug ring is still being run from prison. Once mutual with Grove street they then found themselves a leader down after he was shot and killed by Grove, but since their hierarchy is flat but highly competitive, Poppa Lopez has stepped up to fulfil the reign as the new El Jefe of The Vagos.

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Vagos

 The Aztecas, rumoured to have been around stretching as far back at the 1940’s, have a very strict and aged hierarchy. Like the Vagos, they are mostly made up of Mexican decent. Identified by their vibrant turquoise gang colours, they are actively at war with The Vagos, by whom they have been exiled from the city, out smarted and out-gunned by their younger more agile enemy they have now settled in at Sandy Shores. Squatting in abandoned buildings, they have set down roots, infiltrating the trade routes of the Senora Desert to disrupt the active trading of the cartel and thus interfering with the flow of arms and drugs being distributed into Los Santos. It is here they found themselves a new mutual acquaintance within the Marabunta Grande, but how long can this alliance last? And will it last with the new blood, Jaffa Benitez at the head?

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Triads

 The Marabunta Grande have been quietly linked with the cartel for several years. Being the cartels puppets along the Senora Desert trade route, they are mostly made up of crazy blood hungry Salvadorans who ask questions later. Not shy of torturing and slaughtering those who get in the way of their business they have now allied with The Aztecas, but rumour has it, they prefer to keep their enemies close. After all two gangs after the same bounty while both trying to please the cartel, can’t stay allied forever. Marabunta are currently at war with the Triads, the two gangs came head to head over a turf war, Marabunta Grande being extremely territorial kidnapped the leader of the Triads and it’s rumoured they tortured him for around two weeks before his unrecognisable body was left with a bow on the doorstep of The Triads turf near Vespucci Beach. The Marabunta Grande identified by their blue colours, like to refer to themselves as ‘wolves’ stalking and often playing with their prey. They are often covered in tattoos from the neck up, forever masking their identity. Masters at getting away with murder, they have some long standing members, who have yet to pay for their despicable and often sickening crimes, along with a brand new leadership to shake things up, new Jefe Joshua Cortés, will surely be seeing red.

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Marabunta Grande

 The Triads 三合会 are Chinese nationals, currently residing in the China town district of Los Santos near Vespucci Beach. They regard themselves as an extremely close family although not all of them are blood-related. They abide by a strict moral code that they have passed down through generations since the original members came from the Chinese Crime Syndicate. They prefer to spend their time training in hand to hand combat, and creating their own drugs of choice to harness a bountiful living at the expense of others. Although now, with new leader Xiao Lingdao and still reeling after the recent kidnapping by Marabunta Grande, the Triads have actively gone to war with them. Their bold and brash red gang colours emblazoned with a Chinese dragon are a little distraction while they bide their time. Replenishing their ranks and they are out for blood, but undoubtedly, will do it with the finesse and planning you would expect from none other than these Chinese assassins.

You will be appointed control of your new gang when the update goes live, it's up to you to appoint your underlings and begin recruitment of regular members. Remember, you are only allowed to join one turf gang.

So choose where your loyalties lay.


There are several features of this update that have been created from scratch and overhauled to fit in with the new way and style of progressing with your gang, while we hope you use these methods sensibly and as 'tool' to further enhance your roleplay. These features will be implemented when the gang update in it's entirety goes live.

Gang Management & New Interface.

The new gang interface allows anybody to create a gang, although not all these gangs will be turf gangs, the turf gangs will be using the same interface with extra features, it will just allow turf gangs access to turf/stash house/gang assets and perks. They are however, a way for you and your friends to have access to and keep tabs on your gang/group. And also if you have the intention of putting a proposal forward for one of the turf gangs, it would be a good way to start.

Inside the new interface it allows you to invite, promote, kick, rename ranks. It also allows you to customise permissions for those ranks if you are a turf gang senior member+, allows which ranks can wear the custom clothing, access the vehicle, access the safe, weapons and others. All of this can be customised with how and who you want to have access to what within your gang.


Turfs are coloured areas on the map that coincide with each of the six gangs we have implemented. Turfs however are not a free kill on sight zone, or a red zone. They are an area that's controlled by the gang, and also gang pedestrians. These turfs have a hostility level depending on which gang you are in, depending on who you are enemies with. This hostility level may give you benefits if you are able to successfully deal drugs in a hostile zone or even possibly loot. While we want to encourage Gang v Gang, we also want to see some good roleplay that correlates to the gun fights, arguments and hostility that will become a common place within these zones.  On a side note the pedestrians in these zones are also more than willing to ring the police or notify the local gang if you do decide to step into a turf and try to push your dodgy drugs in a hostile area.

Gangs are also not limited to only fighting in these zones either.

Stash Houses

Inside each turf, there will be one or several stash houses for each turf gang. This stash house is yours, it's a place for you and your gang to hang out. It also comes with several features such as access to your gangs clothing/vehicle, a safe to stash all of your unmentionables. It also comes with abilities to craft weaponry and your own drug manufacturing tables and areas.


The new drug system is and will be a big change to the entire city. Access to drugs is being moved away from civilians and ushered towards the gangs and the underground part of the city as it should be. Certain drugs will be only available through gangs, while the drug world is still open to everybody it is no longer going to be gathered in the open world. You will be collecting ingredients from various sources for bigger drugs and cooking them from scratch with a recipe. Weed however is going to be available to grow in your houses for everyone, although again, you're going to have to shell out and source the equipment. There will be a lot more types drugs available in the city, and some of these may have beneficial or adverse effects. To make money from these drugs we have moved away from selling to one static guy, and instead to get rid of and make money from these drugs you will have to individually sell to locals in certain areas, who have access to gang burner phones if you are inside a turf, and also the police.

New Gang Weapons

Each of the turf gangs will have the ability to craft their own weapon, these guns will have the gangs respective colour and logo on them.


Clothing & Vehicle 

While there is existing GTAV gang logos, I redesigned them so they are unique to our server and unique to your gang. Each turf gang is able to equip these jackets exclusively, so nobody will be able to pose as anybody else. To access the gang clothing your gang rank must have the permission to do so. There is also other items of clothing in the gang lockers in each stash house (vests, jerseys, masks etc), unique and custom made for each gang, see below for some spoilers. 


Each gang also has access to one gang burrito with x4 seats, displaying your gang logo and colours. 


We hope you enjoy what you have seen so far, and the update is not that far away. Although we have shown you what are intentions here are, we are constantly working on additional things to enhance this update. While we appreciate ideas and suggestions, if we dismiss or overlook yours it may mean it's currently being developed already (which a few currently are) we don't want to ruin all of the surprises. We have worked really hard to bring the criminal side of Los Santos into it's own and we would like to thank everyone for their time and patience while this has been in development. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please post them below.

This is just beginning of the gangs/illegal side of the city and there is still plenty more to come.

Additional lore gangs and information can be found at https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Street_Gangs It is worth nothing that we hold the creative push behind the gangs, whilst we would like to stay as original as possible to the originals gangs(for turfs) changes can be made to cater to the servers meta and dynamic.

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If only there was a Russian gang 🙂

But can't wait to see what these new gangs will bring for the server.

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This looks sick, I really hope a RP heavy gang fill up the Vagos. That gang has a lot of potential as far as RP goes

Looks great cant wait to represent Grove Street properly so Balles watch your backs

Looks great @Loyalty- how would one apply for a Gang Leadership?

Cartel De Meurte Naranja would be open to rebranding in return for a Recognised Turf Area,

i call dibs on Da West Staines Massiv

Calling all potential gang leaders, you have two days to submit any remaining gang proposals, or edit any existing ones.

Goodluck 😉


Leadership: fulfilled

Hostile with: Aztecas

 Despite their street thug appearance, The Vagos are in fact closely tied with the cartel and are heavily involved in drug trafficking. They are a multinational group, with most of them being made up of illegally residing Mexicans. The Vagos have a long running feud with The Aztecas, after forcing them out of the city with their tail between their legs for underground arms deals in the south side. Identified by their yellow clothing, and calling themselves ‘The Yellow Bandits’ a large portion of the original Vagos members are now incarcerated, but their drug ring is still being run from prison. Once mutual with Grove street they then found themselves a leader down after he was shot and killed by Grove, but since their hierarchy is flat but highly competitive, Poppa Lopez has stepped up to fulfil the reign as the new El Jefe of The Vagos.

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Vagos

 The Aztecas, rumoured to have been around stretching as far back at the 1940’s, have a very strict and aged hierarchy. Like the Vagos, they are mostly made up of Mexican decent. Identified by their vibrant turquoise gang colours, they are actively at war with The Vagos, by whom they have been exiled from the city, out smarted and out-gunned by their younger more agile enemy they have now settled in at Sandy Shores. Squatting in abandoned buildings, they have set down roots, infiltrating the trade routes of the Senora Desert to disrupt the active trading of the cartel and thus interfering with the flow of arms and drugs being distributed into Los Santos. It is here they found themselves a new mutual acquaintance within the Marabunta Grande, but how long can this alliance last? And will it last with the new blood, Jaffa Benitez at the head?

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Triads

 The Marabunta Grande have been quietly linked with the cartel for several years. Being the cartels puppets along the Senora Desert trade route, they are mostly made up of crazy blood hungry Salvadorans who ask questions later. Not shy of torturing and slaughtering those who get in the way of their business they have now allied with The Aztecas, but rumour has it, they prefer to keep their enemies close. After all two gangs after the same bounty while both trying to please the cartel, can’t stay allied forever. Marabunta are currently at war with the Triads, the two gangs came head to head over a turf war, Marabunta Grande being extremely territorial kidnapped the leader of the Triads and it’s rumoured they tortured him for around two weeks before his unrecognisable body was left with a bow on the doorstep of The Triads turf near Vespucci Beach. The Marabunta Grande identified by their blue colours, like to refer to themselves as ‘wolves’ stalking and often playing with their prey. They are often covered in tattoos from the neck up, forever masking their identity. Masters at getting away with murder, they have some long standing members, who have yet to pay for their despicable and often sickening crimes, along with a brand new leadership to shake things up, new Jefe Joshua Cortés, will surely be seeing red.

Leadership: Fulfilled

Hostile with: Marabunta Grande

 The Triads 三合会 are Chinese nationals, currently residing in the China town district of Los Santos near Vespucci Beach. They regard themselves as an extremely close family although not all of them are blood-related. They abide by a strict moral code that they have passed down through generations since the original members came from the Chinese Crime Syndicate. They prefer to spend their time training in hand to hand combat, and creating their own drugs of choice to harness a bountiful living at the expense of others. Although now, with new leader Xiao Lingdao and still reeling after the recent kidnapping by Marabunta Grande, the Triads have actively gone to war with them. Their bold and brash red gang colours emblazoned with a Chinese dragon are a little distraction while they bide their time. Replenishing their ranks and they are out for blood, but undoubtedly, will do it with the finesse and planning you would expect from none other than these Chinese assassins.

You will be appointed control of your new gang when the update goes live, it's up to you to appoint your underlings and begin recruitment of regular members. Remember, you are only allowed to join one turf gang.

So choose where your loyalties lay.

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