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Poseidon Seadogs Skins

SGT Dean Hastings

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Los Santos Police Senior
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Poseidon Seadogs Skins

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These are the mockups for the wet suit and the survival fatigues for Poseidon seadogs. The purpose of these skins is to allow Poseidon to be better distinguishable from rebels and also incorporates the stereotypical Poseidon camo style. [I PLAY AT MAX SATURATION]

PLEASE NOTE: that these are not in any way finished, I just want to enquire with you all if this is worth any more of my time in trying to perfect these further. I actually made these a while ago but I'll be honest I am scared to spend more time at worry of everyone just downvoting it.

If you agree with the suggestion but want to make a suggestion as to how to change the skins, please upvote but post what you think needs to be done to perfect these skins below. If you disagree then just downvote. I won't be disheartened as I am not developing these further unless the community agrees with me.





I am open to making changes based on popular feedback:


If successfully approved I confirm this texture will be exclusive to Roleplay.co.uk:


If successfully approved I confirm I will email this texture to email@roleplay.co.uk:


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Skins look amazing but dont think they are needed for wetsuits since pos is the only faction that uses csat wetsuit anyways and that wetsuit is already very diferent from the other wetsuits in the game. But the land uniform defently +1 

if your a cop and your gonna down vote this explain why 
And why does it have to be cops that need to explain bit of pointless comment dont ya think would expect more of poseidon leadership

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I think you should come up with a new design, something that's different from the Lobos uniform. Looks cool though

+1 They look really nice, and there's no reason why Poseidon shouldn't have nice things.

Allows the Seadogs to look the part they play, so from an RP perspective it only adds to immersion

Maybe because the sugestions are shit that we downvote it but for someone like rekkemo who actually made something good wich wont change fuckall on the server only astetics wich i am sure you understand. Thats why a comment like that focussing on a faction idiotic beyond believe it will only make said problem worse
Can we please focus on the suggestion as opposed to politics between factions? 

Thankyou for the compliment

sure, let poseidon have a wetsuit that fits their style +1

Keep it focused on the skins. In-game politics should not be applied to anything out of game.

These look fabulous. I've always hated the fact that the survival fatigues couldn't have their tops edited, as it meant we could never have them when I was in the police, but they do suit your look a bit better.

I rate the camo on the survival fatigues, I feel as though it would help in making them more distinguishable between Poseidon and Rebel.

dont think they are needed for wetsuits since pos is the only faction that uses csat wetsuit anyways
However as Daanslot said I think the wetsuit is completely fine as it is.

Survival fatigues are awesome, def an upvote from me on those.
However, imo, the wetsuit is not needed and already is quite distinguishable.
Nice one Rekk!
