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NPAS - How not to land, but how to save it.

I haven't got a clue to who it was - I zoned out when it was being talked about. 
Ok well:

(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)

Is going to be actioned here on Dean Cain at the least. Thats why Id like to speak to him.

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Ok well:

(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)

Is going to be actioned here on Dean Cain at the least.
Okay. Rules are rules and we have live up to them.

Ok well:

(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)

Is going to be actioned here on Dean Cain at the least. Thats why Id like to speak to him.
He joined the patrol channel, so he had intent to come on already. All he did was ask for some help in a gunfight?

No need to threaten everyone with bans for petty things

Ok well:

(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)

Is going to be actioned here on Dean Cain at the least.
Well wasnt it good that we got a nice landing recorded. Fun for me to watch the landing and also busted a rulebreakers at same time. Effective! Im sure we will have plenty of videos about different things coming after this kind of a treatment. Would be nice to atleast try to gather all data and put it into a context.

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I can not believe that this video, which was suppose to be a funny video of John screwing up his landing and then saving it and now its turned into a Report a Player pretty much. This is absolutely unbelievable that hes going to get banned for a joke. My honest and professional opinion would be for someone of the staff team to have a chat with Dean and get the whole situation before any ban is placed.

He joined the patrol channel, so he had intent to come on already. All he did was ask for some help in a gunfight?

No need to threaten everyone with bans for petty things
Ross Id like to invite you to my day one day when I log into to TS and get multiple PM's with people being accused of this exact thing. It is not fun. So many people accuse police of logging in just for fights its crazy. So yeah when I hear this kind of thing it gets my back up.

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Ok well:

(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)

Is going to be actioned here on Dean Cain at the least. Thats why Id like to speak to him.
The rule is "(4.7) Using out of game communications to encourage other players to log on and sway the result of an event or roleplay situation is forbidden. Similarly, joining the server using metagamed information is forbidden. (Punishment is a ban)", specifically the whole "encourage other players to log on".

I'll explain the whole situation here.

There was I believe 4 people on server 2, we were all on a patrol together and at the time there was 2 robberies at different fuel stations that had just started. Me and another guy went to Stadium fuel whilst another went to Telos fuel. From what I remember the unit at Telos fuel got rdm'd and 1 officer was down, obviously we turned around to head back up to Telos. I at that time radio'd for back-up using only the server 2 whispers.

The server 2 whispers only obviously work for people already connected to the teamspeak and in a server 2 patrol room of which there was one other officer, he was already connecting quite obviously as I doubt he was just sitting in a patrol channel for no other reason than to log-on to server. I, at no point told him to log on as I had no clue he wasn't in-game already. I just told him there was a gunfight at Telos fuel and he was to respond. 

I've broken not a single server rule here, I was in a gunfight and I asked for back-up by whispering to all and only server 2 patrol channels. I can't be held responsible because information I give out to a select few channels is then used by a person who then decides to log-on. 

I'd also like to make it clear I'm not in that video. He is talking about a situation involving me for about 5 seconds. An out of context clip and I think for me to get banned for that is just ridiculous as I have yet to be banned in over a year and would like to keep it that way.

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Ross Id like to invite you to my day one day when I log into to and get multiple PM's with people being accused of this exact thing. It is not fun. So many people accuse police of logging in just for fights its crazy. So yeah when I hear this kind of thing it gets my back up.
Fair enough, but the only evidence you have clearly says he was already in a patrol channel

I can not believe that this video, which was suppose to be a funny video of John screwing up his landing and then saving it and now its turned into a Report a Player pretty much. This is absolutely unbelievable that hes going to get banned for a joke. My honest and professional opinion would be for someone of the staff team to have a chat with Dean and get the whole situation before any ban is placed.
But Alexso, lets be quite honest here and I'm sure @Vladic Ka will agree with me here - it shouldn't of even been said when patrolling let alone said anywhere. But you are correct it was mean't to be funny but ended up in the wrong direction....

Fair enough, but the only evidence you have clearly says he was already in a patrol channel
You think I would just say this without doing at least a cursory check? Some people switch server a LOT.


Thats a lot of leaving and entering servers for one session even with mass kicks.

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But Alexso, lets be quite honest here and I'm sure @Vladic Ka will agree with me here - it shouldn't of even been said when patrolling let alone said anywhere. But you are correct it was mean't to be funny but ended up in the wrong direction....
No what ends up happening is that people realize the you will ge others banned from taking jokes out of context alot more people are going to suffer from it and its not going to be really enjoyable gaming environment when you cant not be free to do as you please. Obviously we do have some sosiological norms set by sociaty, but one simply does not fight internet ethics.

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No what ends up happening is that people realize the you will ge others banned from taking jokes out of context alot more people are going to suffer from it and its not going to be really enjoyable gaming environment when you cant not be free to do as you please. Obviously we do have some sosiological norms se by siciaty, but one simply do not fight internets ethics.
Yeah, I just feel guilty for getting someone banned even though it wasn't meant to be like it only a funny video.

The server 2 whispers only obviously work for people already connected to the teamspeak and in a server 2 patrol room of which there was one, he was already connecting quite obviously as I doubt he was just sitting in a patrol channel for no other reason than to log-on to server. I, at no point told him to log on as I had no clue he wasn't in-game already. I just told him there was a gunfight at Telos fuel and he was to respond.
How was Dean suppose to know that he was just connecting. Dean's correct, your not suppose to sit in a patrol channel for any other reason than to log on and go on patrol.

You think I would just say this without doing at least a cursory check? Some people switch server a LOT.

As to Dean's joining and leaving, We all know the bug where when your trying to connect to the server, you instantly go back to the server browser. This has happened to myself and many, many other Arma users. It is a known bug that happens and you can not just say that he was "hop-on squading" based on that, without having a conversation with him.

No what ends up happening is that people realize the you will ge others banned from taking jokes out of context alot more people are going to suffer from it and its not going to be really enjoyable gaming environment when you cant not be free to do as you please. Obviously we do have some sosiological norms se by siciaty, but one simply do not fight internets ethics.
Dont worry I wont ban him however I would suggest people are very careful when they even joke about this. A lot of people are very pissed off about this and I am monitoring it very very carefully.

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You think I would just say this without doing at least a cursory check? Some people switch server a LOT.


Thats a lot of leaving and entering servers for one session even with mass kicks.
I have huge issues with my game as literally anybody I patrol with can testify too. 

Also for the past week I've had this horrible illness that also other people can testify too, and so sometimes I join the server with the goal to patrol but often after about a minute decide it's not worth too patrol with and just log off.

How was Dean suppose to know that he was just connecting. Dean's correct, your not suppose to sit in a patrol channel for any other reason than to log on and go on patrol.

As to Dean's joining and leaving, We all know the bug where when your trying to connect to the server, you instantly go back to the server browser. This has happened to myself and many, many other Arma users. It is a known bug that happens and you can not just say that he was "hop-on squading" based on that, without having a conversation with him.
At least one of those was a server switch in a session. I checked.

Dont worry I wont ban him however I would suggest people are very careful when they even joke about this. A lot of people are very pissed off this and I am monitoring it very very carefully.
That is good to hear. As you know with kids is, when you present a set of rules what they dont understand or dont see the point of it you will end up having to enforce the rule. Same effect is happening around with this current rule change. Alot of people do not understand why it was placed in so they joke around it. Common way for youngsters to moan about thinks they dont agree. Then enforcing something they dont agree into and you going to be adding bensine to allready burning fire.

If it starts to become an issue i would suggest ammending the rule. Community meeting has allready provided suitable alternatives to fight the issue at hand but still maintaining the gameplay experience where oldschool rpuk'ers are used to. 

Personal opinion about the rule is that it sucks. Its hard to enforce, people dont understand and even if you enforce it you will have people moaning about it from above facts. + there are better working alternatives at place.

My last thing I'm going to say on this, and I've said this before. When you log on to the server, your suppose to have fun when playing. Your not suppose to "Ruleplay" where your more worried about getting banned or getting someone banned or calling someone to liaison after every little situation. Your suppose to come on and Roleplay. Your suppose to log on and bounce roleplay off each other and enjoy your time, have some laughs, and go about your time. I, myself, have seen this kinda thing happen on many of many occasions where someone will get banned because of a laugh, and it get to the point where you cant post your funny videos or your screenshots cause your so worried about getting yourself banned or someone else banned even though you did nothing wrong. I actually think that stuff is blown out of proportion.

How the fuck did this thread about a nice bit of recovery piloting turn into an unban appeal lmao

Dunno but if that was a rebel gang doing that we would get a lot more shit for it tbh
