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Minor Departure

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Well-known member
Where Size Doesn't Matter, Smallsville

Most of you know me as Smally, some of you know me as Ben. I have been playing on this community for quite a long time now, not as long as others, but for a dedicated amount of time I would say. I first bought Arma 3 back in December, when my life was pretty much stress free, Half way through Year 11. I have since then done my exams and moved onto College, I know for some it doesn't mean much but to me it does, and my A-levels are going to take much more time and hard work in order to achieve my goals in life, sitting on my Computer playing games, Isn't really going to make me pass, but instead will Hinder. I have enjoyed this community since i joined back in December and it has been fun, looking over all the new developments and changes, even having a say in order to improve this community, but in these past few months. I have been leaving the Police, joining rebels and then Police again. I can't seem to find something i enjoy anymore, I have spent a load of my spare time on this community, and now i will be shorting down, hence the "Minor Departure". Since joining this community, I have took so much away from it and used that to improve my Day - Day life. 

I have made loads of friends on this community and in my fair share i have also made some enemies, I have lost some friends in the past few weeks and I have seen a new light on a few people and moved on. Since the day i joined this community, it has been very welcoming and I have enjoyed every minute of it. 

I don't really want to stumble along for this post, I kind of just want to keep it short and sweet, but yeah the obstacle of Life has found its way to me, and unfortunately, I have to prioritise, I will be cutting down my hours on this community and maybe only play on the week-ends or who knows, not play at all. I've been trying out some new mods and I have found to really enjoy them. If i get time to play games, then i will most likely be trying out new things on Arma. I will still pay a visit from time to time, Mostly on Teamspeak, to keep in touch with some friends. 

Although I have met a lot of people on this community, I am not going to tag you all, otherwise i will be here all day, but after reading this you'll know who you are. 

@Rcr BrandonI don't know where to start mate, but maybe the 6th of January, I basically begged you to take me on a ride-along and that's pretty much where we started, I passed and managed to get into the Police force. I applied for Academy and that's where i became friends with a few Life long friends now. 

@SI MACCAS Firstly, I would like to say Thanks mate, I didn't really know you much back when i joined Academy, but regardless you looked after me, you put me in my place when i was being a cunt and have always been there for me when i needed you.

@- Outcast Gang Although we have had a fairly "short" Journey, I'd like to say Thank you to everyone who joined, we did what we needed to do and did it well. 

@DI Elliott I don't really know where to start mate, we've had our ups and downs, but aside from that, always been there when needed and been a lad. 

@KevinPI still want that website making if you're down for it, I have the £2000 now?

@CI Coozer How? Like honestly, I remember when i used to bully you on NCA patrols, but yeah, Congratulation mate and good luck in the Future. 

@Conner Merlin Got your Clubcard?

I was going to go down and name some more, but I am most likely going to have a chat with you on Teamspeak. Don't be offended if i didn't tag you, I will come and speak to you in Teamspeak or we'll be in touch anyway.

Who knows, in the Future I may come back to this community, However i can't promise anything. I've decided to spend more time with my Girlfriend and focus on college. I am getting out more and achieving my goals in life. If my college schedule decides to calm the fuck down and if i ever get some time free, I will hop on and play a little, but yeah. I will not be on the grind as much as i was. 

So for now, I will be signing out and taking the back seat, if you need me, come and get my Phone Number or Catch me on Teamspeak sometimes. 

Cya Dad.

P.S  I ain't giving away my money.

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fuck off

jk. ILY really MC Smally. Stay in touch you're a sound lad!

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We got SGT the same day DSGT the same day and now im CI and ur going :( ill miss you alot if/when you come back to the server/police you are welcome in academy.

This is depressing. Why you have to go :(. Good luck with you college dad. I will miss you but I hope to see you in teamspeak and stuff. Love you. x 

Husky <3 :(:(:(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(:(:(::(:(:(/:):):(:(:(:(:(


It's been a hell of a ride man, we go way back, back to the LOV days mate, Firstly I can honestly say, you and a select few are the reason I'm still actually playing this server, I left for around 4-5 months, and wasn't planning on returning, but you, and that select few, persuaded me to return, it's gonna be shit now that you're leaving, but I know we'll still play CS some time, and I'll still fucking destroy you fragwise ;) it's been fun, good luck papi.

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I know we have only met briefly ingame (And that was funny) but I want wish you luck with whatever a "minor departure" entails and hope to see you again Ingame, one day.

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Keep in touch little man, Gonna miss some little random keep joining my channel going MACCCCCAS? and with all your questions ahaha ;). Best of luck with college and stick in!

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