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Lost my gear stored in house

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Well-known member
In-game name: RangerMcFriendly

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198137050150


What was lost: 

- Mk18 ABR 7,62mm (DMS scope & silencer), 10x20rnd mag of 7,62mm

- Ghillie suit, protector helmet, slash bandolier vest

Value of item/money lost: 500k+

Quick description of what happened: Today (8-12GMT) I bought me a house, stored 2 storage boxes in it, 1 for such gear, the other for something else. For 1 I decided to store only weapons & clothing in it. After disconnecting & coming back 4hours later, I've noticed, 1 storage box is empty, although no one could have broken in(100% sure, no msg received).

Also, Im just guessing right now, the empty storage box is next to a window & easily seen from the outside. I hope there's none glitch that allows you to look into inventory of the storage boxes through a window???

Also I wonder about using more storage boxes to store items/gear or just one, just to be sure, that you don't lose something because you stored it separately(you always lose something from that specific box, for examle).


Did you leave your storage box unlocked? If it is unlocked it allows EVERYONE to access the storage. If you keep it locked you can access it without unlocking it.

Always lock them houses and storage boxes otherwise them thieves will be stealing.

I access my storage boxes when they are locked only, so, I leave it always so, but I do check always also

Both my houses seem to be broken into every 30min, what struck me is either the cops are searching it and the message is bugged or I'm not getting a message when a guy is breaking into them.

I logged on yesterday and spawned in my house, it was broken into but robber didn't get anything. Within 30min of me being on the house was empty. <_<

How they knew it was my house though is beyond me, the only person I saw robbing houses at the time was a mr. Feng I believe apart from cops looking like their searching eachother, (might be bugged and really be their searching rebel homes and it shows as the searchers house in msg, but pure speculation).

Should add I went back to my house when I saw mr. Feng was up to no good and didn't see anything, when I left again I saw he was on a spree but since everything was quiet at my place I didn't suspect anything. Another reason I'm suspecting the bug explanation is that my 2nd house is about 5m away from Kavala HQ, with a porch looking down into their courtyard, this too is also broken into alot, might be a cheeky robber but somehow I think the police don't like my house, I try smalltalking with my new neighbours but they only look at me with hateful eyes :huh:

am i wrong in saying that if you log out ppl can still break in to your house but the storage boxes are gone and no one will be able to steal from you? atleast thats how i understood it

Joshy, I wish it would be so, I'm not sure. I always lock my storage(100% sure). Like I said in the 1st post, I hope you don't lose always something from the box 1 & never from the box 2 - bug, If you have more storage boxes. Also, I just hope that ppl aren't able to look into your house(just by standing close to the wall & access the inventory...or something like that). I've already been visited, so I decided to buy some new furniture, because everyone is welcome to knock at my door & come in, when I'm home. We gonna smoke & drink coffee.... and share some altis life stories.

Test it. I will when i get home but i'm working atm..

Buy alot of storages, fill them up with stuff, relog and check them (save them before a restart and log after in to have maximum testing results)

You can have several cases:

- All storage boxes are empty

- A specific box is empty

I would say if all the storages are empty that you got mugged, if it was only one might be a bug.

Fill them with some stupid stuff, so if someone robs you, you will know.

Ill test it now before the server restarts. Only 1 storage box was empty(weapons & clothing stored, another room), the other storage box contained common stuff like GPS,NVG,..also in a separate room

Of course I'm talking about the inventory(weapons, clothing, common gear) & not about items inventory(water, food, pickaxe & so on...), that's gone missing. Ill report in 15 minutes after the server restarts

Update: I didn't lose anything upon restart in both storage boxes. Which leads me to think, that someone broke into my house & I wasn't notified OR someone glitched though the wall & enter the inventory(if boxes are there, when I'm online) OR It was just occasional bug that occurred OR maybe do weapons & clothing dissapear from the boxes.

Because I'm not sure what happened & a player Markooo already replied(above) with that info, then I'll juts take back my comp request - case closed, but still it needs to be tested a little bit more

Try to find a way into your house without using the doors. In takistan for example you can just jump through the window in some houses :) I'll close this for now.

To add, when they break into your house it will also open the storage automatically. So look out for messages in the chat saying someone is breaking in!

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