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Lockpicks vs. Vehicles Changes


Staff Team
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Imagine the following...
You break into a vehicle, hop into the driver-seat and step on the throttle... What happens? 
Nothing - You've only picked the lock, the car still needs to be turned on!

Brief Summary:
Vehicle theft now requires an additional step in order to start the engine.
1 - Use 'Lockpick' on the vehicle to unlock it.
2 - Hotwire vehicle to start the engine.

Currently, it is very easy to gain access to someone's car, which is fair - picking the locks of any vehicle should give you access to the vehicle and all what is inside it, and gaining access to items inside a locked vehicle is unfortunately not very difficult from a realistic standpoint. However, being able to drive away the moment you've opened the door makes less sense to me, nor does it seem very realistic. The art of stealing someone's car shouldn't be that easy in my opinion. Having to go through a second step of starting the engine without the key, whilst under pressure from the car alarm that is now sounding and alerting the public, is how it's meant to be - The alarm is there to alert of the fact that the 'seal' of the car has been breached, not of the fact that the car is now doing 120 mph down the highway - right?

My Suggestion:
I'd like to suggest removing the ability to simply start any vehicle, without actually having the key - This would add another layer of realism. Adding a key-binding to 'Engine On/Off' would be a suggestion as to how to enable this, where if you do not have the key when pressing this, you'd be prompted with the "hotwire vehicle" feature.

- Adds realism.
- Uninvited passengers can no longer switch to driver-seat the moment you exit the vehicle, and drive away.
- Makes vehicles slightly more secure.
- Not having to keep your vehicle locked 24/7, even when right next to it.
- Lending someone your car now requires you to hand them the keys. 

Potential key-binding implemented, to the already existing 'Engine on / off' Capslock-wheel menu - Which would have to be pressed in order to start and stop your vehicle engine. (QoL change)

Impact on the server:
The fact that vehicles would be slightly more difficult to steal, would of course also have an impact on car thefts in general - However, it would not make a major impact on e.g theft of items inside a vehicle except in situations where the vehicle would need to be driven away before it'd be considered safe to go through the loot. 
Yes - it would have an impact on the server. However, in my opinion, it's a positive impact overall.

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Something does need to be done in order to make it harder to steal cars. I had a situation today where I was down from medics, two fellas pulled up and took my bike in no less than 10 seconds. Never saw it until the next storm. Hotwiring is great but I think lockpicking as a whole should be changed to where its actually time consuming. 

I made a suggestion reguarding lock picking cars a while back. It is far to easy with no repercussion tbh and imo yes what you have suggested is great by making it slightly harder to get that car going but i also think we should be able to buy car gps where we can track it with our phones. Ive had my car stolen countless times iand i report it to the police and nothing ever happens i end up waiting till the storm and repeat. I think having a gps tracker that you can share with police can at least have a chance to get it back or use that gps yourself to go confront the person and get it back BUT +1 for your suggestion anything to try and pro long the stealing of a car!

there is - sometimes - a slight delay after you break in a local car, like 2s before you actually can drive off, you can hear the hotwiring process in that time. 

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It would be cool to see the lockpicking be more like Skyrim or just not a safe cracking thing. Also really like the idea of having to hotwire a car

I'd back this - but you should have two locks - one for the boot and one for the doors. So you can open the boot and see what's inside, but to drive it away need to pick lcok again and then hotwire. Or, just choose to do the doors, hotwire and rive away, then check the boot later.

Sounds great but can we also add a function to where you can lock/unlock the doors of a lockpicked vehicle after you've picked it and are inside.

@defuzr How would this actually work though? If you were inside a vehicle IRL with the doors locked, you couldn't pick the lock from in there? 
Would the doors open anyway from inside as a safety? Or would you have to smash a window?
Old school cars had the lock on the inside but most don't anymore.

@defuzr How would this actually work though? If you were inside a vehicle IRL with the doors locked, you couldn't pick the lock from in there? 
Would the doors open anyway from inside as a safety? Or would you have to smash a window?
Old school cars had the lock on the inside but most don't anymore.
From what I understand if you're inside the car most of them have electronic door locking inside at a press of a button and as soon as you pull the door handle from the inside it opens the door allowing you too exit.

+1 The bare minimum should be a loud car alarm once lockpicking starts.

countless times ive left my 2021 top of the range car around a corner and. boom, its gone. no trace. 

+1 Had a situation today where I was in Benefactor for not even a minute and by the time I came outside, the car was gone. I understand cars can be stolen at any time in real life but it shouldn't be possible in a matter of seconds. Having a GUI similar to that of the current lockpicking system but for hotwiring would definitely make it more feasible to actually catch the person attempting to steal your car before it's made it 5 miles down the road to Paleto Bay.

I would like to bum this suggestion.

Recently started my career as a police officer and it is impressive how quickly one police car can be stolen.
If some one manages to get inside is just a matter of pressing the gas pedal and drive away, even when we didnt leave the key on ignition.. 

As previously said, it makes no sense for this to be this easy. Maybe a mini game, as suggested would be the so needed delay to 'represent' the hotwiring process. This would even somehow workaround some bugs with locked (or not so much) car doors
