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It's been a while

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Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Hey guys probably haven't seen me in game for ages. I never really said goodbye to all you as things kind of took a sharp turn IRL. But anyways I came to say a farewell to you all and I wish all of you the best. The times I have spent over the past year have been fun ones with all of you. When I came in October of 2014 I never really expected to find such a community as this one and everyone is to thank for that. I will hopefully return one day when things have settled and my life falls into place but that doesn't look very likely at the moment so I bid you all farewell. 

Shame to see you go Feather  :,(  I hope everything works out well for you irl 

Hey guys probably haven't seen me in game for ages. I never really said goodbye to all you as things kind of took a sharp turn IRL. But anyways I came to say a farewell to you all and I wish all of you the best. The times I have spent over the past year have been fun ones with all of you. When I came in October of 2014 I never really expected to find such a community as this one and everyone is to thank for that. I will hopefully return one day when things have settled and my life falls into place but that doesn't look very likely at the moment so I bid you all farewell. 
fak ju fedr

Farewell my friend!


Soviet anthem for good feelings!

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I will miss you Feather, and you're gypsy website(s). Here is a remembrance of the  feather way of life:​
Hope you have a good future and keep up the good gypsy website making!​
-Vixxy ;)
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Missed you bigtime whilst I was still a cop mate! All the best and I really hope thinks sort themselves out, you deserve it, you're a great guy and a credit to this community bud! 

Aawwh Feather :(. I was already wondering where you went, cause we are missing you. Hope your RL situation get sorted soon. Good luck! 

I can't last long without you, I need a recording of your "pull up, pull up. Terrain, Terrain"

I cant belive this.. Feather!! You toke my when i was a little Student at nhs.. cso in police.. and now your leaving.. i really hope you will find your way back and rejoin us as the community just lost a great member.. Good luck! Hope we see you soon.

Feather, you will be missed

*sheds a tear as he deletes the once ball achingly funny soundboards of feather*

On a serious note, good luck in the future buddy!

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