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How do you make pc/laptops in ArmA 3 Altis life?

TheMan In TheShadows

Well-known member
UK, Manchester
I have had a look around on youtube to see if i could find any tutorials on this but i could not find any. 

My Question Was :    How Do You Build PC'S/Laptops Plz Help and thanks in advance. 

you need to collect five different resources , 5 aluminium bars , 2 silica , 1 copper bar , 1 plastic sheet , 1 glass  take all these to factory and  then make the 3 components needed then turn them into a pearlbook

i would advise you to purchase a house nearby to store all the parts it makes it alot simpler and don't do them in anything bigger then a cargo van you can get parts for 8 computers in a cargo van so makes it worth £780k per van full
