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Hobo robbery! Didn't go as they planned

Vlad Vagin

In a Ifrit or Orca by HM
So I was driving around in the middle of the night in Athira with my "cherry" hatchback. And knowing that we have alot of new immigrants on the Island you never know what you will meet.

After a short ride I stumble up on a hobo offroad, and funny enough they try to rob me.
Here is the result of "Hobos with to big guns and a plan"

nice mate, I prefer single aimed shots myself but they are hobos you could of coughed in there direction and they would die

nice mate, I prefer single aimed shots myself but they are hobos you could of coughed in there direction and they would die
I know, I just feel bad for the poor guys :(

They had this great plan, but no :(

@Di fuel everytime i drive through kavala in a ifrit or hemtt all the hobos chase after it and i hum that song
