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Roleplay UK

Join the UK's biggest roleplay community on FiveM and experience endless new roleplay opportunities!

Hello from Norway :)


Hello, I just landed here from Norway and I've had a grand time so far on the server

Really not good at these introduction type of things so i leave it here :p

Looking forward to meeting you all ingame 

Hello Darky!

If you have any questions or concerns about rules or gameplay, you are always welcome in our teamspeak in the welcome center!
We as Mentors are here to guide you and get you started in our community.
Hope to see you around!

Mentor Levi,

Welcome to the server. I am sure you will continue to enjoy your time here. If you do need any help feel free to contact me or any other mentor.

Hello and Welcome,

Hope you enjoy your time here!

Any problems come speak to our amazing support group also known as the "Mentors" up the top of TS :p



Welcome @Darky , You have chose a marvelous community to be apart of! make sure you have red the rules, (so you dont get yourself in trouble) what can be found Here ! Apart from that good luck, and have Fun! Also if you need a hand give me a message either ingame / Forums / Teamspeak!

Mentor JohnJoeegan

Welcome buddy to the beautiful server and community of AltisLife UK.

-Vixxy ;)
