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Hair through police cap

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Staff Team
Staff Team
Steam ID: 76561198264017341

Character ID: 27297

When did this happen: 02/16/23

Summary: Hair through police cap

Full Description:
Hiya. I posted a bug report many months ago of the issue where characters hair pokes through the police caps. This issue was fixed promptly. However, a couple months ago after a update, the visual bug reappeared and hasn't been fixed. It's quite annoying tbh but due to the amount of time its went unfixed, I'm wondering if its even possible to fix it again? Appreciate the devs that might look into this.

Images / Video's


From my understanding at this moment in time if you use a hairband it removes the hair clipping through the hat.

I know it's not a permanent fix but it's a temporary fix

It can do, bit of a pain the arse though because when you take the cap off you have completely different hair lmao

I just changed him to bald the other day lol but i’ll quickly check which one it is mate

Added as #513 to the board.


Thank you for your help in alerting us to this bug, now that all of the required information has been gathered, it's been logged with the development team who will look to fix this. ​


Thread locked, awaiting development team response
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