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Good Afternoon to you


Well-known member
Head Psychologist Office, Kavala Hospital
Good Afternoon people of Altis, if you have been playing ALtis Life for a long time or you where/are a senior member of the NHS you may remember me.

I have been gone doing other things like school while I was away and now I am here :D Finally being able to play altis life again and meet up with friends.

Hope to see you guys on the island sometime


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Good Afternoon people of Altis, if you have been playing ALtis Life for a long time or you where/are a senior member of the NHS you may remember me.

I have been gone doing other things like school while I was away and now I am here :D Finally being able to play altis life again and meet up with friends.

Hope to see you guys on the island sometime

Welcome Back !

Welcome back!

Make sure you re read the rules because they have changed slightly!


Welcome back dude, any help you need here just Contact your Frontline team of ALUK.Or just message us on the forums or Teamspeak.

Good Afternoon people of Altis, if you have been playing ALtis Life for a long time or you where/are a senior member of the NHS you may remember me.

I have been gone doing other things like school while I was away and now I am here :D Finally being able to play altis life again and meet up with friends.

Hope to see you guys on the island sometime

Welcome back Ayrton, by the way due to the medic recruitment drive you can regain your MD rank.

Welcome back bud.  

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Good Afternoon people of Altis, if you have been playing ALtis Life for a long time or you where/are a senior member of the NHS you may remember me.

I have been gone doing other things like school while I was away and now I am here :D Finally being able to play altis life again and meet up with friends.

Hope to see you guys on the island sometime

I can still remember MD. Ayrton. Always was fun with you in TS and on patrols :) hope that you join the NHS again, would love to see you around again.

If I remember correctly I was a MD. as well when you left, well I am not a MD anymore :p
