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Gang Bases

TheMan In TheShadows

Well-known member
UK, Manchester
I wanted to know if you could request to get a gang base. i also wanted to if you could how much will they cost. and if you could chose where you could have them please let me know asap as i am very intrested

Gang bases can be bought Ingame. As long as you are Lvl 4 in your gang Ingame you may purchase any tower, barracks building or warehouse. They are fairly expensive and you must pay rent on them. Simply go up to one of those buildings and windows key to see if it is available, if it is then you can see how much it will cost and purchase it.

Your welcome!

Gang bases can be bought Ingame. As long as you are Lvl 4 in your gang Ingame you may purchase any tower, barracks building or warehouse. They are fairly expensive and you must pay rent on them. Simply go up to one of those buildings and windows key to see if it is available, if it is then you can see how much it will cost and purchase it.

Your welcome!
thank you ver much
