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Freedom for the Police

Should the police have their hats back?

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Well-known member
Dear citizens of Altis,

Due to recent changes the police can no longer wear the headgear of their own choosing the one thing that made them unique is now taken away from them.

Wether you like the Police or not these are people like you and me and they should have a right to chose, just like you have the right to marry whoever you want they too should be able to chose the hat they want.

Not only does it create a more open and lower treshold for the people to talk with a Police officer who shows his own stylings it also is fun to collect them!

Part of being an officer is not just enforcing the law and being strict following the written letter of the law but also to make judgement calls in different situations which can be very stressful. A police officer shouldn't be a Faceless person who all look alike.. As wonderful as the Uniforms look a personal touch always makes it just a little better.

The common argument is that the police should have discipline but also have a more softer humane touch at the same time,  which the hat expresses so firmly.

Please Citizens of Altis,

Give the Police the right to chose back don't let them be another outfit like so many patrol the streets everyday risking their own lives. Give them their freedom back and vote Yes they have the right to chose.

Thanks for your time,.



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We will get them back with the framework, we are, or so I believe, actually getting different hats for different ranks...


But seriously, we are planning on giving the police more hats in the future, #FreedomOfHats

From the very creation of the police force on ALUK it's always been those dammn hats... they are always top the issues. 

Im pretty sure most of the officers miss the beanieman !

I always wear a fedora or a beanie. Is that bad? 

I was under the assumption it's allowed, as high ranking officers wear them on multiple occasions.

I have spoken to the police union, and out of protest, I am requesting that all police officers show defiance by refusing to wear any type of headgear.

#NoHatsNoJustice #BeaniesForAll

I always wear a fedora or a beanie. Is that bad? 

I was under the assumption it's allowed, as high ranking officers wear them on multiple occasions.
Not allowed sweetie, now join the protest, here's a sign


Now begin yelling
