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Favorite ALUK Moments?

Recently, while robbing a gas station, me and my 6 other friends were aprehended by a full cop car we told them to put their hands up, but for some reason they attacked. i killed at least 3, but there were reinforcements, so it didn't end too well. didn't go to jail, though. (idk how i killed anyone, it was pretty much my first online firefight, and i was a bit scared.) I had the cheapest assult rifle. i think i emptied 10 bullets into one of them. RIP officers, and gang. <3 (sadly, my recording software malfunctioned and it didn't capture. i cry everitiem)

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One of my favourite times was when @Vacatio @TI Ben and myself role played with wilco when he was AFK, I was his metal health doctor, turned out he was a zombie.

Another time was when AEGIS had a gun fight with a gang that were in the server and mitch landed his jet on a main road before engaging in the enemy.

There was many more moments, going to have a look through my recordings and see what I can dig out.

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When me and my Gang were doing "highway robberies" on the Kavala to Agios road and we used a spike strip on a hemtt box full of cut diamonds. I lost my hearing that day when the guy in the hemtt screamed...

So many great times but here are some of my personal ones.

- When I got arrested for the first time ever and all the cops jumped out of the pickup truck I was restrained in to go deal with a hobo. My buddy proceeded to jump in and hijack it while taking heavy fire. I then spent 10 minutes in a field hiding with no night vision and I could not stop laughing.

- Once I was being held up and then a gang of two came to rob me. Within 30 seconds 4-5 rebels came to rob the other two for trying to rob me then about 3-4 minutes into RP a gang of 10 came and robbed us all

- RPing as a Construction Worker at the HM Treasury

- Being chased by a gang for my cocaine and managing to have a full blown war with a huge gang at the Oil Trader. I managed to take out a humming bird pilot with 3 ACP bullets which felt amazing. Only me and their gang member survived but we both got arrested. That 15 minutes in prison was hilarious.

- The old cocaine field at frog swamp was amazing when the cops raided us through the bushes. Made me jump with fright.

There are so many great people that play here and none of the above could have been achieved without that
