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Compensation Request - Nimbruh - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Northern Ireland
Compensation Request

In-game Name: Ben Franklin

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198163544496

Character ID: 5319

The date when this happened: 09/18/22

Please provide full detail and evidence: I was on turf (grove street) and this guy comes up and starts talking to us. He then talks about he stole one of our bikes earlier and someone got mad, then I told him not to be doing that around here again, me and Tommo then chased him off turf. Then The individual we were chasing got away and we stood about for a minuite and then we ewnded up getting shot at, Tommo got shot down and then i ran into the apartment blocks and seen him on the ground and police turned up. Police then took Tommo to pillbox. I then went back to turf and got onto a bike with Orin and then got randomly ran over, so I then got brought to pillbox by a couple of hustlers that witnessed this.

Then after I got up from hospital me and Tommo hung about for a bit and went back to this guys apartment blocks to speak with him if he was around, tyhen out of the blue we ewnded up being rammed over, me and Tommo went down and then Orin was trying to help us and then the same guy ran Orin over aswell, got us all into a local car and then proceeded to dump us into the ocean.

There is a report on this guy for a permanent ban now.


Link to when I respawned after the dumping:

Link to any evidence:


Lost items and total value of compensation: 2 Bag of Talkers, 2 bandages, 14 casino play tokens, 1 cup of coffee, 1 fruit smoothie, 1 lockpick, 1 radio, 1 redgull, 1 repairkit, 2 sheet of plastic, 1 smartphone, 4 weed indica, 1 knife, 1 machete, 1 heavy pistol, 1 petrol can, 1 knuckle dusters 330k

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

I forgot to add, as it didn't pop up about my pistol bullets on screen, but I'm guessing that would be in the logs


Ideally, you should have your own footage. In his clip, you can barely even see you get hit and you cannot see your session ID. Luckily, I am aware of your voice and the character you can play and can confirm its you beside Tommo in that clip. After looking in the logs I've been able to confirm that you were also the victim of RDM in this incident and therefore will also approve your compensation.


(If you would like a list of what exactly has been approved, you can drop me a message. Although it should all appear at the court room.)

Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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