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CID & Solicitor/Judge Lanyard

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Dean Hastings

Lifetime Donator
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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Whats the basic suggestion?

I propose the adding of a LS Courts Lanyard and a CID lanyard

What is this for?

NCA had these originally but essentially it allows LS Courts to be visibly identified, especially in secure locations along with CID. I find it a bit odd that when I'm in my fancy formals I wear a marked baseball cap so people know I'm a police officer, just looks very unprofessional.

Why do we need this?

To stop people impersonating Police, solicitors and judges in secure locations *yes it happens a lot* but also to look professional because wearing a baseball cap in a suit just looks lets be honest really weird. 

Why should we spend dev time on this?

I'm sure the file and script for the NCA is tucked away somewhere, I don't know how editable the file is but I'd be happy to work with someone in reskining it if possible, my skills are from Arma but I'm looking to transfer my skills over to GTA, I just don't know how how the files work for GTA/FiveM. 

I like it! And fyi if you could re-skin in arma gta v is a walk in the park in comparison!

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