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Certain Police and a court system


Active member
I feel as if the police on the server should be looked into in much more detail, its becoming a reoccurring thing that some police (definitely not all) are very lazy in RP and will just say a crime to be able to lock you up even if the certain crime they said you've done doesn't link to what happened one bit. Maybe a court system should be made were people in the server get a text calling them up for jury duty and you can apply on this website to be judges and lawyers. I feel as if this would sort out police that were just saying a crime to lock you up. I cant be the only one that's tired of being arrested for example having a pistol out then being told i'm being sent to jail for attempted murder although I've made no 'attempt' to kill someone its just lazy RP. (Rant over some may not agree its my opinion that's all)

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Problem is lack of evidence. Let's say you shot and killed someone. The Officer says "I saw this man withdraw his pistol and fire a multiple shots at a civilian, killing them". You say "No I didn't, I had my pistol out because I just got out of my vehicle and it fell into my hand". There's no dead body that can be brought up, because nobody knows who it is, identifying it is technically metagaming. There's no gun (would have been removed and / or sold, there's no magazine(s) that show the bullets left in them (would have been removed and / or sold). Witnesses are 100% unreliable. The amount of times people will interject into a situation because it's their friend and bullshit some stuff to get them off is ridiculous. This isn't real life, and by that I mean, death isn't a serious thing. If it was, people would be shit scared of the Rebels, they'd hate them. Instead, all I see is "Fuck tha Police" "Fucking pigs" "fuck da popo". Nobody cares for Rebels doing crime, everyone hates Police because Police actually stop stuff. If I stop a man selling drugs, I'm corrupt. If place a murderer in my car, I'm committing Police brutality...it's endless...

Also, the jury are likely to be extremely biased based on their opinion of the suspect and the Police Officer involved. In reality they have no idea who these people are, they are there to provide judgement without risk of bias. Here though, we all know each other. 

Just to add onto this...with regards to the removing of evidence, I can see a likely argument being "just take it off them and keep it for evidence in the trial", does this mean that everyone gets a trial before prison..because we are sending...100s per day...and it is completely unrealistic to have a trial for each and every person. 

Finally, to you Shanksy. I am incredibly sorry you had such a shit show of RP with the Police if you honestly got charged like you did for no reason. Feel free to provide the name of the Officer (if you got it within Roleplay) and I will happily do my best to deal with the Officer.

What I would definitely recommend to you is, if this was a mistake, report it within Roleplay on the Police Complains Commission. Act as your Lawyer and talk about your case, how your client was potentially mistreated, how he was convicted for a crime he did not commit. Hopefully the Senior Officers can find the Officer involved and gather information from him / her and we can look into what happened...it could end up with you receiving financial compensation if it turns out there was a mistake on the Officers side.

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I completely agree, and yes some things said about the police are just said because no one likes police and not because they've done something wrong but sometimes they are actually in the wrong. I feel as if some police get away with horrible RP because of uniform.

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Riddler i'm not going to complain i don't want people banned or given a row, id just love to see things improved. I don't want to see other people get in trouble i just feel if a new guy came into this community then to be thrown in jail for something stupid its puts them off playing. I quote a sentence from a police officer that spoke to me today 'Put that pistol away or ill shoot you in the fucking face'.

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Shanksy, when I mention the Complaints Commission it wasn't to put in a genuine complaint bud. The Senior Police are wanting to encourage civilians to continue Roleplay on there. If they honestly feel as though their case was mis-handled and mistake were made, allow them to look into it and see what can be done, it gives them something exciting to do and let's them do a bit of investigating, and if you are found in the right, you are usually compensated for the mistake. Choice is up to you. I welcome your creativity and input and hope you didn't view my response as an attempt to shut it down. Those were just some points to challenge the idea. If you can think of a way around them, I'm in!

Read my quote, that RP is extremely horrible. Dont get me wrong though after this was said to me i didnt respond in a mature way. 

In my opinion, roleplay on Altis Life is very fast paced (which isn't an issue to me), introducing a new criminal justice system like the courts would lead to a lot of complications, many of which that have been brought up by The Riddler. Tackling bad roleplay in the Police is great of course, however going around it this way probably wouldn't be the best idea. From my current experiences, I haven't been involved in any situations with Police which I've found to be performed and handled to a low standard. As Riddler has mentioned, if there are any issues, it's most likely best contacting the Police Complaints Commission. 

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Yeah i guess so, it'd just be nice for it to be improved that really all my post is about. being told to 'put me pistol down or ill shoot you in the fucking face' while in the street isn't desirable.

Yeah i guess so, it'd just be nice for it to be improved that really all my post is about. being told to 'put me pistol down or ill shoot you in the fucking face' while in the street isn't desirable.
Of course, that really isn't professional at all - but have you considered that statement being tailored around 'Verbal Dominance' using strong language, shouting etc to gain dominance in situations? It's very common in situations which you've described, where there is a severe threat to life. But I'm sure what you said was just an example. However at the moment, I would advise you to contact the Police Complaints Commission if you are not satisfied with the performance of any Police members  ;)

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I don't like this idea. To be fair the only times I have ever had bad rp with police is when I didn't make the effort by self. Obviously if your bounty is over 100k your most likely going to prison unless you have a good story. But usually its pretty easy to get away with anything. I role played my way out of three counts of murder and one of armed robbery once.
