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Bye for now

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Well-known member
Unfortunately I've been dragged into the drama which has bit me in the arse, yes I did do wrong and cant deny that but anyway, as I am too stubborn to make an appeal on the ban, not really good at these things, I have chosen to take a break from altis again as this has left me extremely pissy and salty but anyway I'd like to thank the following people for making my days on altis better whether that is in game or just on TS it was a pleasue: @Squeaky@James @Qetz @Fade @Farmer Giles @Oliver @Vixxy @Kaden @Capt C @mryan19 @INS Mystic @Creedd @Applebyy @Andrew whos name I cant find rip @Fluqi Thanks to you all and for rM who will probs see this, see ya "friends"

Sad to see you go Lewis been fun knowing you, hope you come back in the future :(

I do not believe you have been banned ?

You think we care what that idiot says....

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Put an appeal up mate and come back.

If you choose not to... best of luck elsewhere in life.

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Oh that's for something else un-related.

In terms of Jamz naming and shaming you on his parting steam message, I am not taking any notice.

Good bye Lewis. Keep in touch mate :) and you will also be missed! Love Creed XOXO

Unfortunately I've been dragged into the drama which has bit me in the arse, yes I did do wrong and cant deny that but anyway, as I am too stubborn to make an appeal on the ban, not really good at these things, I have chosen to take a break from altis again as this has left me extremely pissy and salty but anyway I'd like to thank the following people for making my days on altis better whether that is in game or just on TS it was a pleasue: @Squeaky@James @Qetz @Fade @Farmer Giles @Oliver @Vixxy @Kaden @Capt C @mryan19 @INS Mystic @Creedd @Applebyy @Andrew whos name I cant find rip @Fluqi Thanks to you all and for rM who will probs see this, see ya "friends"
why no tag me fwend :( 

 I wish u the best of luck with where or what u do.

Ill talk to you soon :)

I don't know if im missing something but your not banned ? I dont think... Either way had great RP With you last night! good luck :)


shhhhhh ?

Im just going to hide in a corner! Maybe I should use my brain next time ?


Im just going to hide in a corner! Maybe I should use my brain next time
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh johnjoe shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Dunno what happened after i left yesterday, but i had a good time with you and i'm happy to see that some of rM are staying to play this server seriously. Goodbye!

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