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BREAKING NEWS!!!!! Prostitution Risen In Altis to more than 80%!!!

This is.......

... odd...

I saw you wanted to join the Police... If they accept you, please dont ever arrest me..

Combatlogg and take the ban or suicide :p

This is just wrong on too many levels... Can I politely ask are you mentally stable? xD

After watching the whole thing I think my brain cells are dying out

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i would follow a masked man offering me candy!

You have good videomaking skills young man, but i suggest you to stop the female voice  its so awkward to watch just saying :p

Edit: from minute 6 it starts to get pretty creepy

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I...I...I...I dont know what to say..


Cringe. I swear to god, I need to shoot you. (In-game of course!) ¬.¬

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I was thinking of using the Benny Hill theme tune yesterday, but I didn’t want to be caught out on copy right. I like your editing.

i would follow a masked man offering me candy!

You have good videomaking skills young man, but i suggest you to stop the female voice  its so awkward to watch just saying :p

Edit: from minute 6 it starts to get pretty creepy
the girl voice is one of my many persona's ;)
