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Altis Life UK 4.0

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Finally we can zip tie cops and leave them on the salt mine naked and with no medkits!


Sounds gd, just hope it all works without any hassel, and allignment with the jsrs mod, would be very coveted :)

I love this server, made all of my money in it, enjoyed roleplaying and having fun, i so cant wait for the update, it will be better than all american servers!!!

I love this server, made all of my money in it, enjoyed roleplaying and having fun, i so cant wait for the update, it will be better than all american servers!!!
Nice, did you also enjoy to spam the side chat with music?

Seeing some children are DDOSing / Attacking our website again I haven't been on until now to do anything. :)
This bug with "you dont have permission to acces on Altislife.co.uk" or something is something that occurs for some people when other doesnt have it... kinda strange.. seen it happen alot

This bug with "you dont have permission to acces on Altislife.co.uk" or something is something that occurs for some people when other doesnt have it... kinda strange.. seen it happen alot
That's when the host cuts it off because there is too much traffic from the attack. 

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I go away on holiday. Come onto the website to see if anything has happened. And they canceled 3.1.4 and came up with 4.0.

The best stuff happens when I am on holiday.

That's because we were waiting for you to leave before Wilco announced it.

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